Kingston and St. Andrew Health Department, Kingston,
Research Article
STI Prevalence and Risk Behaviors among Establishment-based and Street-based Sex Workers in Jamaica
Author(s): Jacqueline Duncan, Sharon Weir, Lovette Byfield, Carol Jones Cooper, Sharlene Jarrett and J Peter FigueroaJacqueline Duncan, Sharon Weir, Lovette Byfield, Carol Jones Cooper, Sharlene Jarrett and J Peter Figueroa
Background: Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and risk behaviours among street and establishment-based sex workers (SW) were compared.
Method: Between August and November 2008, face to face interviews and testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI) were conducted among Jamaican SW recruited by convenience and snowball sampling.
Results: Forty-five street-based SW (SBSW) and 231 establishment-based SW (EBSW) were recruited. STI Prevalence was: HIV 4.9%, syphilis 6.2%, gonorrhea 12.7%, Chlamydia trachomatis 23.6%, and Trichomonas vaginalis 35.5%. 56.1% SW had at least one STI and STI prevalence was similar for both groups. Condom use with paying partners was >90% but lower with non-paying partners (33.3% SBSW and 20.8% EBSW, p = 0.166). Streetbased SW had more partners, initiated sex at an earlier age, operated in fewer parishes, and were more .. Read More»
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