LORIA, Orpailleur Team, Campus Scientifique, BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex
Research Article
HIV-PDI: A Protein Drug Interaction Resource for Structural Analyses of HIV Drug Resistance: 2. Examples of Use and Proof-of-Concept
Author(s): GHEMTIO Leo, SOUCHET Michel, DJIKENG Appolinaire, KEMINSE Lionel, KELBERT Patricia, Ritchie David W, MAIGRET Bernard and OUWE-MISSI-OUKEM-BOYER OdileGHEMTIO Leo, SOUCHET Michel, DJIKENG Appolinaire, KEMINSE Lionel, KELBERT Patricia, Ritchie David W, MAIGRET Bernard and OUWE-MISSI-OUKEM-BOYER Odile
The HIV-PDI resource was designed and implemented to address the problems of drug resistance with a central focus on the 3D structure of the target-drug interaction. Clinical and biological data, structural and physico-chemical information and 3D interaction data concerning the targets (HIV protease) and the drugs (ARVs) were meticulously integrated and combined with tools dedicated to study HIV mutations and their consequences on the efficacy of drugs. Here, the capabilities of the HIV-PDI resource are demonstrated for several different scenarios ranging from retrieving information associated with patients to analyzing structural data relating cognate proteins and ligands. HIV-PDI allows such diverse data to be correlated, especially data linking antiretroviral drug (ARV) resistance to a given treatment with changes in three-dimensional interactions between a drug molecule and the mu.. Read More»
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