SPS Apollo Hospitals,
Research Article
End-tidal CO2 Should not be a Parameter for Ventilatory Adjustment during Low Cardiac Output States Like Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Author(s): Manender Kumar Singla, Kanwalpreet Sodhi, Anupam Shrivastava, Manpreet Singh Salooja, Kishore C. Mukherjee and Sonia SainiManender Kumar Singla, Kanwalpreet Sodhi, Anupam Shrivastava, Manpreet Singh Salooja, Kishore C. Mukherjee and Sonia Saini
Background: Capnography is widely used as a non-invasive monitoring technique for intra-operative and postoperative mechanically ventilated patients. Aim: To study whether the EtCO2 values should be used to adjust mechanical ventilation during low cardiac output states such as off pump cardiac bypass surgery (OPCABG). Setting and design: Prospective study in 50 patients undergoing OPCABG. Material and Methods: The values of cardiac index (CI), EtCO2, PaCO2 and P(a-Et)CO2 gradient were compared at two time points during OPCABG: immediately before skin incision and during grafting of obtuse marginal artery, as usually OM grafting is considered to be associated with low cardiac output. Statistics: Data was analysed using student’s t-test. Results: There was a significant decrease in the value of CI from point A to point B (2.33 vs. 1.75 L/min/m2, p<0.001), significant decrease i.. Read More»
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