Research Article
Magnitude and Factors Associated with Road Traffic Accident among Traumatized Patients in Arba Minch General hospital, 2017
Author(s): Direslgne Misker, Abayneh Tunje, Achamyelesh Mengistu, Fikeru Abera, Matiyas Yalelet, Misganaw Gebrie, Mohammed Yimam, Sara Ayalew and Solomon AnemawDireslgne Misker, Abayneh Tunje, Achamyelesh Mengistu, Fikeru Abera, Matiyas Yalelet, Misganaw Gebrie, Mohammed Yimam, Sara Ayalew and Solomon Anemaw
Introduction: RTAs are among the leading causes of death and injury worldwide, causing an estimated 1.2 million deaths and 50 million injuries each year (World Health Organization (WHO), 2004). Ethiopia has the highest rate of RTAs, owing to the fact that road transport is the major transportation system in the country. However; it is often possible to minimize injury and crash consequences by providing better information about specific factors associated with RTA. Like other hospitals of Ethiopia, AMH is faced with the problem of traumatized patients.
Objective: To assess the magnitude and factors associated with road traffic accident related trauma among traumatized patients in Arba Minch Hospital, 2017.
Method: Institutional based cross sectional study was carried out among trauma victims presenting to Arba Minc.. Read More»