
Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering

ISSN: 2165-784X

Open Access

Nathan Vogelsang


  • Research Article
    Numerical simulation for soil-superstructure interactive system
    Author(s): Ghulam A Hussaini and Nathan VogelsangGhulam A Hussaini and Nathan Vogelsang

    Geotechnical performances of soil superstructure systems are strongly dependent on the properties of the soil, and prediction of the performance of these systems in real conditions requires accurate modelling of soil parameter. It is vital to determine the risk of damage to structures, due to soil displacement by differing some of the soil parameters. The core objective of this project is to study the response of a soil-structure subjected to uniform loading. From this, the soil- structure stiffness can be easily obtained. For the basis of the analysis, the soil has been assumed first elastic with individual random variables such as Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio simultaneously. After the elastic displacement, known the plastic analysis conducted. For the analysis of this project, finite element models are developed in ABAQUS to simulate vertical uniform load of 3 kil.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000280

    Abstract PDF

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