Research Article
The Imperative of Stock Market on Economic Growth in Nigeria: The
Endogenous Growth Model
Author(s): Brown ED and Nyeche EWBrown ED and Nyeche EW
The study examined the imperative of stock market on economic performance in Nigeria. The objective of the study were to examine the relationship between total value traded in the stock market, market capitalization, trade openness, inflation rate and economic growth in Nigeria. The study was basically time series data based relating to market capitalization, total value traded ratio, real GDP per capita, inflation rate and trade openness of the economy. The data was sourced from Nigerian stock exchange annual reports, CBN statistical bulletine, the Nigerian stock exchange fact book, World Bank database publication and publication from relevant plurals and articles. The study adopted the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) techniques of multiple egression and co integration test. The E-view 7.1 econometric software was used to run the model. The coefficient of ECM appeared with the rig.. Read More»
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