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Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine

ISSN: 1948-593X

Open Access

Puja Sarkar


  • Research Article
    Niche Induces Dedifferentiation
    Author(s): Puja Sarkar, Aditi Kapoor, Jay Narayan Yadav and Sudhir KumarPuja Sarkar, Aditi Kapoor, Jay Narayan Yadav and Sudhir Kumar

    Background: Niche plays an important role in deciding the fate of the cell. Three dimensional (3-D) cell culture systems can provide conditions for the cells to revert back to de-differentiated state. Here, egg white is used as a scaffold as well as nutritive medium for the 3-D culture, as it provides nutrients for the cells to grow without extra media. In order to compare the growth of spheroids, another model was also taken into account that is gelatin coated plate. The difference between these two models was that the egg white acted as scaffold and provided additional nutrients for the growth of spheroids, while gelatin provided conditions for low attachment only. Method: Low attachment plates were prepared using egg white and gelatin for the spheroids to grow on it. RNA from cells grown on both 2D and 3D culture condition were extracted using trizol method. The concentration of RN.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.4172/1948-593X.1000089

    Abstract PDF

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