
Journal of Global Economics

ISSN: 2375-4389

Open Access

Selvaraj N

Saraswathi Narayanan College,
Madurai, Tamilnadu

  • Research Article
    Impact of Micro-Credit on Economic Empowerment of Women in Madurai, Tamilnadu: A Study
    Author(s): Selvaraj NSelvaraj N

    Economic empowerment of women is mainly based on their participation in decision making process with regard to raising and distribution of income, investments and expenditure at all levels. The entire efforts of empowering women are to help them to exercise their rights in decision making at all levels both within and outside the households and enable them to be treated as equal partners in the society. Efforts are on to enhance the capacity of women to earn and ensure that they get access to and control the whole family or community assets. Various institutions are involved in the delivery of microfinance services, especially since the dawn of the 1980s. They include formal commercial banks, rural banks, and NGOs. Women are the major beneficiaries of MFI/Ps, and the destination of the funds mainly includes agriculture, trading, small craft, processing units and consumption. The admin.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2375-4389.1000227

    Abstract PDF

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