Research Article
Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Turnover Intention, Job Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Mediating Role of Political Skill
Author(s): Fahid Riaz, Shahzad Naeem, Benish Khanzada and Kamran ButtFahid Riaz, Shahzad Naeem, Benish Khanzada and Kamran Butt
The purpose behind this article is to investigate the relationship between Emotional Intelligence (EI), turnover intention, job performance and organizational citizenship behavior with mediator effects of political skill. Data was collected through a quantitative survey methodology from sample of 263 employees; data was analyzed using hierarchical regression model. EI was found a significant positive relationship with political skill, job performance and organizational citizenship behavior. However, the results of turnover intention were found to against the both hypothesis where EI was positively related to TI directly as well as through mediation. Furthermore political skill was found as a mediator between EI, TI, JP and OCB. EI training can be a powerful predictor for organizations and managers to enhance job performance and organizational citizenship behavior. This study extends t.. Read More»