Research Article
Haar Wavelet Method to Spectral Analysis Continuous Wavelet Transform 1D Using Whistle Sound to Position of Dolphins (Tursiops aduncus)
Author(s): Lubis MZ, Pujiyati S, Hestirianoto T and Wulandari PDLubis MZ, Pujiyati S, Hestirianoto T and Wulandari PD
In wavelet method have a wavelet transform is a signal processing technique was developed as a method to obtain simultaneous, have high resolution frequency and time. Mother wavelet have one method with namely haar wavelet, haar wavelet had become an effective tool for solving many problems arising in many branches of sciences. Haar wavelet functions have been used since year at 1910. It was introduced by the Hungarian mathematician Alfred Haar. This article discuss about signal processing with haar wavelet (continuous wavelet transform) using whistle sound and position of dolphins. Results of modulus of Ca, b Coefficients-Coloration init mode + scale, demonstrating the maximum yield that is in the frequency of 4.1 kHz-5.9 kHz with the brightest colors, and need for the process of de-noising 1D to a level that is more, such as level 10. In this article indicates a change in position d.. Read More»
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