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Journal of Clinical Research

ISSN: 2795-6172

Open Access

Amah AK

Department of Medical Physiology, Imo State University, Nigeria

  • Research Article   
    Ibie Leave (Mucuna flagellipes) Decreased Anxiety Like Behaviour in Swiss White Mice Following Long Term Consumption
    Author(s): Amah AK*, Aduema W and Amah UK

    The use of Mucuna flagellipes in recent time has been on the increase as a result of its speculated therapeutic effect. Owing to the fact that there are no detailed reports on Mucuna flagellipes or any report on its effect on anxiety and fear, this work is therefore intended to investigate the possible effects of this herb on anxiety and fear in Swiss white mice, using the elevated plus maze as experimental apparatus. Twenty CD-1 mice were divided into two groups (1-2, n=10). Group 1 (Control) was administered normal fed while group 2 was the treated group. Data were analyzed using statistical tools (one way ANOVA and Student t-test). Results revealed anxiety like behavior treated mices when compared to the control. However, administration of the Ibie Leave (Mucuna flagellipes) reduced anxiety related behavior in mice. In summary, it is therefore a strong co.. Read More»

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