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Journal of Food & Industrial Microbiology

ISSN: 2572-4134

Open Access

Aurea Nollet

Department of Food Science and Technology, State University of Ponta Grossa, Ponta Grossa, Brazil

  • Mini Review   
    Student Performance and Attitudes in Undergraduate Food Science and Technology Courses with Flipped Labs
    Author(s): Aurea Nollet*

    The food industry needs a lot of well-trained professionals to produce healthier food products, improve manufacturing processes, and guarantee food safety and security as consumer demand for healthy and convenient food products grows. Graduates in food science and technology must be able to solve problems, think critically, and apply newly acquired knowledge in order for them to effectively address these requirements. Expository or confirmatory practical laboratories, in which the research questions and procedures are already established, are frequently used in undergraduate food science and technology courses. It is generally accepted that expository laboratory practicals provide students with opportunities to learn practical, hands-on skills, interpret data, reinforce theoretical concepts, draw conclusions, and pique their interest in the topic at hand. In light .. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37421/2572-4134.2022.8.261

    Abstract HTML PDF

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