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Clinical and Medical Case Reports

ISSN: 2684-4915

Open Access

Azra Tabassum

Sri Indu Institute of Pharmacy, India

  • Case Report   
    Goblet Cell tumor A Case Report
    Author(s): Azra Tabassum

    Goblet cell tumor (GCC) may be a rare tumor ordinarily occurring within the appendix that displays options of each a system tumor associated a lot of aggressive type of cancer called a glandular cancer. It’s typically diagnosed in folks over the age of fifty. Epithelial cell carcinoids (GCC) of the appendix area unit a subtype of appendicular cancer. GCC area unit outlined by a novel combination of 2 forms of cancer cells – system (carcinoid) and animal tissue (adenocarcinoma). They’re extraordinarily rare with associate calculable incidence of one per two million people... Read More»
    DOI: 10.37421/cmcr.2021.5.154

    Abstract HTML PDF

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