
Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism

ISSN: 2165-7912

Open Access

Chandra S Ghanta

Department of Journalism, University of Telangana, India

  • Opinion   
    The Influence of Mass Media in the Public Sphere
    Author(s): Chandra S Ghanta*

    Since recent past, Mass media playing a pivotal role influencing the cultural and behavioural changes. The managerial functions of mass media showing impact in this regard. New media creates stereotypes and uses the mechanism of “public perception”. While we are involving in the informational stream, media becomes a powerful tool, which leads so-called manipulation every day. Moreover, we are witnessing the appearance of a new phenomenon that reveals channel toward new ways of creating informational messages. The main aim of this article is over viewing the role of mass communication in the society, and how it involving in shaping of the society. The article also discusses the various aspects of the mass media.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37421/2165-7912.2021.11.436

    Abstract HTML PDF

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