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Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2573-0312

Open Access

Chiara Megliani

Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation Unit, ASST “A. Manzoni,” Lecco, Italy

  • Original Research Article   
    Sonification-based Exercise as an Add-on Therapy for Upper Limb Motor Recovery in the Acute Phase of Stroke
    Author(s): Danilo Spada*, Chiara Megliani, Matteo Sozzi, Andrea Cornaggia and Andrea Salmaggi

    Music- and sonification-assisted rehabilitation is being increasingly investigated in motor recovery after stroke, but only few studies have thus far involved patients in the acute phase of the disease. In this quasi-experimental study (no randomization has been applied), patients with motor deficit of the upper limb fulfilling predefined inclusion criteria were sequentially enrolled onto a program of sonification-based exercises through a serious game, id est. an adapted piano-keyboard as an add-on to standard rehabilitation treatment. Based on the potential efficacy of the auditory-motor networks, the aim was to further stimulate the patient on tactile stimulation, limb lifting and finger motor individualization. Starting 2 to 7 days after stroke onset and for an overall 21-day duration, the experiences were performed in the hospital. After the enrollment.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37421/2573-0312.2024.9.367

    Abstract HTML PDF

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