Department of Primary and Community Care, Radboud Institute for Health Sciences Geert Grooteplein 27, 6525 EZ Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Research Article
The role of the general practitioner in the Dutch system of post-mortem investigations
Author(s): Cecile M. Woudenberg-Van Den Broek*, Henriette F Treurniet, Koos Van Der Velden and Wilma L.J.M. Duijst-Heesters
Objective: General Practitioners (GPs) have an important role in the Dutch system of external post-mortem examination (E-PM). They perform at
least 50% of the E-PMs. This research aims to study the competence of the GPs in the Netherlands in performing E-PMs. To achieve this, a survey
was performed amongst GPs. The study analysed if GPs felt competent to perform E-PMs, if they had knowledge of and acted according to the
Dutch Burial Act and if they were consistent in their acts and thoughts.
Methods: An online survey conducted amongst GPs resulted in 225 datasets, after excluding 36 surveys for various reasons.
Results: There was no significant difference in the feeling of competence between GPs (79.47%) and GP registrars (86.49%). Of all the respondents
40.89% were consistent in their acts and thoughts.. Read More»
Journal of General Practice received 1047 citations as per Google Scholar report