
Journal of Integrative Oncology

ISSN: 2329-6771

Open Access

Labard Baras

Department of Medicines, Iran National Standard Organization, Tehran, Iran

  • Mini Review   
    Challenges in Observational Studies and Improving Preclinical Models for Better Clinical Trials
    Author(s): Labard Baras*

    Observational studies are research designs that involve observing and analyzing the outcomes of a group of individuals without any intervention or manipulation. These types of studies are useful in understanding the natural history of a disease or condition and identifying potential risk factors or associations. However, there are several challenges associated with observational studies, including in this manner, photosensitizers can prompt oxidative weight on a malignant growth cell or perform nearby hyperthermia. The expanded responsiveness of malignant growth cells to warming up to 41-47 °C underlies the viability of photo thermal treatment. To overcome these challenges, various strategies have been developed to improve the delivery and effectiveness of photosensitizers. Chemical modification, such as altering the molecular structure of the photosensitizer, .. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37421/2329-6771.2023.12.411

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