
Journal of Morphology and Anatomy

ISSN: 2684-4265

Open Access

Nasirova Zarifa Djahangir

Department of Human Anatomy and Medical, Terminology of Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan

  • Research   
    The Micro-Anatomical Features of the Lymphoid Structures of the Urinary Bladder
    Author(s): Huseynova Gulgiz Agahasan* and Nasirova Zarifa Djahangir

    The lymphoid structures of human urinary bladder are investigated by a macro-microscopy with Helmans and histology methods by staining with HxE, at the age from the period newborn to senile age of the postnatal ontogenesis. The lymphoid structures of the urinary bladder are characterized by age, regionally, individuality peculiarities. Lymphoid structures as much as possible develop at early child’s age. After those periods a morphological regress of a lymphoid tissue and involution of lymphoid structures are noted. After this, individually features characterize lymphoid structures of the human urinary bladder. Their broad individual variability at mature, elderly and senile ages is established. At all stages of a postnatal ontogenesis the quantity of lymphoid structures in the lover part of a urinary bladder are more than in upper and the middle parts. The quantity and morphome.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37421/2684-4265.21.s1.002

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