
Journal of Microbiology and Pathology

ISSN: 2952-8119

Open Access

Sheila Jain

Baylor College of medicine, United States

  • Editorial   
    Cell pathology techniques concerned in tissue cultures
    Author(s): Sheila Jain*

    Cell pathology is that the study of sickness exploitation the techniques of recent cell biology. The aim is to grasp however cellular and molecular mechanisms act throughout sickness processes. Cellular pathology is that the study of sickness in organs, tissues and cells. Histopathology and cytopathology are key diagnostic tests within the initial detection and identification of cancer and different diseases supported by fashionable molecular techniques. Adviser cellular pathologists are ready to offer data on prognosis and facilitate to fitly direct therapies in post diagnostic treatment. Speedy advances in vegetative cell biology and regenerative medication have opened new opportunities for higher .. Read More»

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