
Mental Disorders and Treatment

ISSN: 2471-271X

Open Access

Simian Hedgier

Department of Neurosciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

  • Mini Review   
    Eating Disorders: A Comprehensive Guide to Identification and Intervention
    Author(s): Simian Hedgier*

    Eating disorders represent a complex array of mental health conditions characterized by disordered eating habits, distorted body image, and intense preoccupation with weight and shape. This comprehensive guide aims to provide an in-depth understanding of eating disorders, including their types, symptoms, causes, and risk factors. Furthermore, it discusses effective strategies for identification, intervention, and prevention, emphasizing the importance of early detection and holistic approaches to treatment. By increasing awareness and promoting evidence-based interventions, this guide seeks to empower individuals, caregivers, and healthcare professionals in addressing eating disorders and promoting mental and physical well-being... Read More»
    DOI: 10.37421/2471-271X.2024.10.289

    Abstract HTML PDF

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