
Journal of Environmental Hazards

ISSN: 2684-4923

Open Access

Srinu Boddepalli

Department Of Microbiology, India

  • Mini Review   
    Male regenerative organs are in danger from ecological hazards
    Author(s): Srinu Boddepalli*

    Male conceptive problems that are of interest from an ecological perspective incorporate sexual brokenness, barrenness, cryptorchidism, hypospadias and testicular malignant growth. the male germ line is perhaps the most touchy tissues to the harming impacts of ionizing radiation, brilliant warmth and various known poisons. So far word related perils are the best reported danger factors for debilitated male regenerative capacity and incorporate actual openings (brilliant warmth, ionizing radiation, high recurrence electromagnetic radiation), compound openings (a few solvents as carbon disulfide and ethylene glycol ethers, a few pesticides as dibromochloropropane, ethylendibromide and DDT/DDE, some weighty metals as inorganic lead and mercury) and work cycles like metal welding... Read More»
    DOI: 10.37421/jeh.2021.05.140

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