
Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species

ISSN: 2332-2543

Open Access

Citations Report

Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.

Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species has got h-index 13, which means every article in Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species has got 13 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Total published articles

60 44 59 79 21 12 33

Research, Review articles and Editorials

1 9 9 6 4 12 16

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

39 35 50 73 17 0 17

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 5 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

850 519 95 124 107 77 68
Journal total citations count 624
Journal impact factor 1.06
Journal 5 years impact factor 2.7
Journal cite score 2.84
Journal h-index 13
Journal h-index since 2019 12
Important citations

Khayesi M (2016) Sustaining the legacy of Michael Bernard Kwesi Darkoh. African J Food Agri Nutrition Dev 16: 1-10.

Mogende E (2016) The politics of Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) TFCA in Botswana (Doctoral dissertation, University of Cape Town).

Mbaiwa JE (2015) Ecotourism in Botswana: 30 years later. J Eco tourism 14: 204-222.

Karki JB (2016) National Vulture Conservation Strategy & Action Plan.

Meacher S, Chaffe R, Seethaler R, Coyne J, Cook R, et al. (2016) MINUTES-Murrindindi Environment Advisory Committee File: SF/1078.

Lindenmayer DB, Blair D, McBurney L,Banks SC (2016) Ignoring the science in failing to conserve a faunal icon–major political, policy and management problems in preventing the extinction of Leadbeater’s possum. Pacific Conservation Bio 21: 257-265.

Gautami J (2016) An Overview of Organoleptic Additives. Nano Tech Nano Sci Ind J 10.

Rogers C (2016) Beehives deter crop-raiding elephants.

Youldon DA, Abell J, Briffitt JS, Chama L, Channings M D, et al. (2017) Patch-occupancy survey of elephant (Loxodonta africana) surrounding Livingstone, Zambia. Koedoe 59: 1-6.

Hahn N, Mwakatobe A, Konuche J, de Souza N, Keyyu J, et al. (2016) Unmanned aerial vehicles mitigate human–elephant conflict on the borders of Tanzanian Parks: a case study. Oryx, 1-4.

Rogers C (2016) Beehives deter crop-raiding elephants.

Youldon DA, Abell J, Briffitt JS, Chama L, Channings MD, et al. (2017) Patch-occupancy survey of elephant (Loxodonta africana) surrounding Livingstone, Zambia. Koedoe 59: 1-6.

Hahn N, Mwakatobe A, Konuche J, de Souza N, Keyyu J, et al. (2016) Unmanned aerial vehicles mitigate human–elephant conflict on the borders of Tanzanian Parks: a case study. Oryx 1-4.

Worku EA (2016) Report Submitted for The Rufford Foundation.

Yamazaki Y, Ikeya K, Goto K, Chimura Y (2017) Population viability analysis predicts decreasing genetic diversity in ex situ populations of the Itasenpara bitterling Acheilognathus longipinnis from the Kiso River, Japan. Ichthyological Research 64: 54-63.

Chang SH, Ho CK, Chen FH (2016) Propagation and Bioreactor Technology of Medicinal Plants: Case Studies on Paclitaxel, 10-Deacetylbaccatin III, and Camptothecin. InMedicinal Plants-Recent Advances in Research and Development pp: 257-272.

Sarvalingam A, Rajendran A (2016) Rare, Endangered and Threatened (RET) climbers of Southern Western Ghats, India. Revista chilena de historia natural 89: 9.

Spasiano D, Russo D, Vaccaro M, Siciliano A, Marotta R, et al. (2016) Removal of benzoylecgonine from water matrices through UV 254/H 2 O 2 process: Reaction kinetic modeling, ecotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 318: 515-525.

Campana I, Angeletti D, Crosti R, Luperini C, Ruvolo A, et al. (2016) Seasonal characterisation of maritime traffic and the relationship with cetacean presence in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Sileshi GW, Nhamo N, Mafongoya PL, Tanimu J (2017) Stoichiometry of animal manure and implications for nutrient cycling and agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 107: 1-5.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations: 624

Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species received 624 citations as per Google Scholar report

Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species peer review process verified at publons

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