Articles published in Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.
Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques has got h-index 28, which means every article in Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques has got 28 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |
Total published articles |
60 | 47 | 58 | 63 | 4 | 12 | 31 |
Research, Review articles and Editorials |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary |
39 | 41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Conference proceedings |
0 | 5 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 20 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
3319 | 2375 | 308 | 301 | 294 | 333 | 316 |
Journal total citations count | 3351 |
Journal impact factor | 2.47 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 10.14 |
Journal cite score | 21.18 |
Journal h-index | 28 |
Journal h-index since 2019 | 20 |
Mora, L., & Hayes, M. (2015). Cardioprotective cryptides derived from fish and other food sources: Generation, application, and future markets. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 63(5), 1319-1331. |
Delgado Huallpa S (2013) Evaluación de escamas de pescado como adsorbente de metales pesados de agua residual. |
Sulaymon AH, Mohammed AA, Al-Musawi TJ Predicting the Minimum Fluidization Velocity of Algal Biomass Bed. |
Sulaymon AH, Abood WM, Al-Musawi TJ, Ali D (2014) Single and Binary Adsorption of Reactive Blue and Red Dyes Onto Activated Carbon. International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Research 3: 642. |
Sulaymon AH, Mohammed AA, Al-Musawi TJ (2014) Comparative study of removal of cadmium (II) and chromium (III) ions from aqueous solution using low-cost biosorbent. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 12: 477-486. |
Anastopoulos I, Kyzas GZ (2015) Progress in batch biosorption of heavy metals onto algae. Journal of Molecular Liquids 209: 77-86. |
González Fernández C (2016) Contribución al diseño de sistemas microfluídicos para la separación de partículas magnéticas. |
D'amico L (2014) Isolation of microorganisms from biological specimens by dielectrophoresis (Doctoral dissertation). |
Zambelli, R. A. (2014). Desenvolvimento de massas congeladas de pães tipo forma contendo ingredientes funcionais (Doctoral dissertation). |
Messina, V., Pieniazek, F., & Sancho, A. (2016). Effect of different freeze drying cycle in Semimembranous and Gluteus Medius bovine muscles: changes on microstructure, colour, texture and physicochemical parameters. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 51(5), 1268-1275. |
Sehgal, P., & Goel, N. (2016, September). Auto-annotation of tomato images based on ripeness and firmness classification for multimodal retrieval. In Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2016 International Conference on (pp. 1084-1091). IEEE. |
Pieniazek, F., Sancho, A., & Messina, V. (2016). Texture and Color Analysis of Lentils and Rice for Instant Meal Using Image Processing Techniques. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. |
Pieniazek, F., & Messina, V. (2016). Texture and color analysis of freeze-dried potato (cv. Spunta) using instrumental and image analysis techniques. International Journal of Food Properties, 1-10. |
Pieniazek F, Messina V (2016) Scanning electron microscopy combined with image processing technique: Analysis of microstructure, texture and tenderness in Semitendinous and Gluteus Medius bovine muscles. Scanning 38: 727-734. |
Pieniazek, F., & Messina, V. (2016). Scanning electron microscopy combined with image processing technique: Microstructure and texture analysis of legumes and vegetables for instant meal. Microscopy research and technique. |
Vadivambal R, Jayas DS (2015) Bio-imaging: principles, techniques, and applications. CRC Press. |
Bayona-Rojas, M. A., & Gutiérrez-Escobar, A. J. BIOPELÍCULA: UN MECANISMO DE SUPERVIVENCIA DE Helicobacter pylori BIOFILM: A SURVIVAL MECHANISM OF Helicobacter pylori. |
Bayona-Rojas, M. A., & Gutiérrez-Escobar, A. J. (2013). BIOFILM: A SURVIVAL MECHANISM OF Helicobacter pylori. Revista UDCA Actualidad & Divulgación Científica, 16(2), 335-342. |
Randrianjatovo-Gbalou, I. (2016). Substances exopolymériques de biofilms bactériens: quantification in situ et étude de leur rôle dans la cohésion de la matrice extracellulaire (Doctoral dissertation, Université de Toulouse, Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier). |
Ziuzina, D. (2015). Atmospheric Cold Plasma as a Tool for Microbiological Control. |
Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques received 3351 citations as per Google Scholar report