
Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering

ISSN: 2165-784X

Open Access

Citations Report

Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.

Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering has got h-index 19, which means every article in Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering has got 19 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Total published articles

62 39 62 60 32 20 33

Research, Review articles and Editorials

9 9 22 29 27 20 33

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

43 30 40 31 5 0 0

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 40

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

2347 1503 305 314 278 235 172
Journal total citations count 1798
Journal impact factor 3.27
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.98
Journal cite score 6.12
Journal h-index 19
Journal h-index since 2019 14
Important citations

Shilpa BS, Lokesh KS, Shashikiran J, Deepthi KB, Gowda BM, Sahana M. Exposure Assessment and Modeling of Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) Pollution from Different Household Fuels. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 2014 Mar 1;6(3):82.

Hamehkasi M. Effects of low humidity on comfort, health, and indoor environmental quality: literature review.

Datta A, Suresh R, Gupta A, Singh D, Kulshrestha P. Indoor air quality of non-residential urban buildings in Delhi, India. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment. 2017 Dec 1;6(2):412-20.

Bohare V, Jain P, Saxena YK. Analysis of Air, Water and Noise of International Airport, Bhopal.

Dewulf B, Neutens T, Van Dyck D, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Panis LI, Beckx C, Van de Weghe N. Dynamic assessment of inhaled air pollution using GPS and accelerometer data. Journal of Transport & Health. 2016 Mar 1;3(1):114-23.

Abdul-Wahab SA, En SC, Elkamel A, Ahmadi L, Yetilmezsoy K. A review of standards and guidelines set by international bodies for the parameters of indoor air quality. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2015 Sep 1;6(5):751-67.

Salthammer T, Uhde E, Schripp T, Schieweck A, Morawska L, Mazaheri M, Clifford S, He C, Buonanno G, Querol X, Viana M. Children's well-being at schools: Impact of climatic conditions and air pollution. Environment international. 2016 Sep 1;94:196-210.

Kumar A, Kumar P, Anandan A, Fernandes TF, Ayoko GA, Biskos G. Engineered nanomaterials: knowledge gaps in fate, exposure, toxicity, and future directions. Journal of Nanomaterials. 2014 Jan 1;2014:5.

Goyal R, Kumar P. Indoor–outdoor concentrations of particulate matter in nine microenvironments of a mix-use commercial building in megacity Delhi. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 2013 Dec 1;6(4):747-57.

Kumar P, Martani C, Morawska L, Norford L, Choudhary R, Bell M, Leach M. Indoor air quality and energy management through real-time sensing in commercial buildings. Energy and Buildings. 2016 Jan 1;111:145-53.

Suriansyah Y, Kusliansyah YK, Aly CS, Gunawan A. Pemetaan penelitian bangunan hijau khusus hunian vertikal berdasarkan kajian desain arsitektural.

Makul N. Principles of Green Concrete.

Makul N, Sua-iam G. A STATE OF THE ART REVIEW OF GREEN CONCRETE. Research Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat: Science and Technology.;13(1):178-99.

Omotayo OO, Akingbonmire SL, Ikumapayi Catherine M. SEET’17.

Makul N. Concrete materials and manufacturing process for sustainable tomorrow: A review on current research and practical issues.

Zulaechah LS, Chanief AZ, Wahyudi DT. Penggunaan Radiasi Gelombang Mikro untuk Sintesis Karbon Aktif dari Limbah Biomassa dan Aplikasinya dalam Pengurangan Kadar Congo Red 4BS. Unnes Physics Journal. 2017;6(1):31-6.

para acreditar la Experiencia Educativa Q, Quintanilla ET, Galván GS, Hernández MS. PROGRAMA EDUCATIVO: INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA.

Torres Quintanilla E. Remoción de color en vinazas pretratadas en un digestor anaerobio usando Eichhornia cressipes.


Molla Mahmoudi M, Nadali A, Soheil Arezoomand HR, Mahvi AH. Adsorption of cationic dye textile wastewater using Clinoptilolite: isotherm and kinetic study. The Journal of The Textile Institute. 2018 May 25:1-7.

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