
Clinical Depression

ISSN: 2572-0791

Open Access

Special Issue Guidelines

HILARIS SRL welcomes proposals for creating special issues that fall within the scope of Depression journals published by HILARIS SRL. The special issues should aim at exploring recent advances in designing, building, manufacturing, and other technical areas concerned with all branches of engineering. We seek original unpublished works that represent specific areas of research which can widen the scope of technological applications to all fields of Depression.

Proposal Preparation Special issues will be released on a monthly basis and proposals will be accepted accordingly. All proposals should include the following information: Title of the proposed special issue Purpose and current relevance List of topics to be covered List of potential contributors Guest Editor(s) and Reviewers Address, phone, e-mail, and fax of guest editors and reviewers Tentative deadlines for submission and review process (Timeline for submission, review, and final acceptance).

All praposals should submitted to or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at

Role of EB Members Review the special issue proposals for relevance to current research in the concerned field. Recommend suitable proposals and their guest editors along with their biographies.

Once a proposal has been accepted by the EB members for creating a special issue, the corresponding guest editors will be responsible for handling and processing of the special issue articles.

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