Ground-penetrating RADAR for the identification of clandestine burials
Sara Gale
Mikhail Goubko1, Irina Perepechina2
Dauda Cynthia Zainab
Recovery of fingerprints from brass cartridge cases
Carlos M A Girelli1,2, Bernardo J M Lobo2, Alfredo G Cunha1, Jair C C Freitas1 and Francisco G Emmerich1
Suicidal cases in medicolegal autopsy of eastern Nepal
Shivendra Jha
Application of solid-phase extraction tips for the analysis of drugs in human blood
Chika Hasegawa
History of forensic dentistry in France
Xavier Riaud
Log integrity: A conceptual approach towards enhancing the integrity for log evidence
Uchenna P Daniel Ani, Musa A Muhammad and Nneka C Daniel
Deception detection: The truth about lies
George McKinley
Challenges for the development of forensic document examinations in case of Ethiopia
Getachew Denbela
James J Harynuk
Distinguishiong between penile and buccal cells using different staining techniques
Rashid Lutalo
Familial DNA searching in the US: Why aren’t all states using it?
Rockne P Harmon
Shaul M Gabbay
Human external ear pattern and its application in establishing personal identity
Akarsh Reddy B S
Bhagvan Kommadi
Branislav Filipovic and Maja Vulovic
Determining removal of forensic artefacts using the USN change journal
Christopher John Lees
Fatal fires: The effects of pre-existing trauma to burned soft tissues and skeletal remains
Elayne J Pope, USA
A socio-historical analysis of the forensic anthropology in the Brazilian context
Francisco Douglas Rosa Machado
Introduction to post mortem change
Gregory McDonald
Nanoforensics: Forensic application of nanotechnology in illicit drug detection
Harvey J M Hou
Training and accountability in underwater crime scene investigations
Mack S House Jr
Nana Owusu Banahene
Ronald Jefferson A Narceda
William Bryon Stones
Behavioral analysis of cyber criminal with reactive, active and proactive approach
Swapnil Kishore
Black boys should be indoors by dark: Victim and offender profile myths in the United States
Kanika Bell
David J Lamagna
Integration of forensic auditing in pension scheme in a developing country such as Nigeria
Oghogho Joy Irowa Igbinovia
Computational forensics techniques in the era of big data: Cloud security and privacy
Gebeyehu Belay Gebremeskel, Derbe Roba Dagne and Yi Chai
Journal of Forensic Research received 2328 citations as per Google Scholar report