Smarter city: Fvrom data to information - the digital revolution in the IoT era
Alessandra Pieroni
Framework for demystifying M2M spectrum regulation
Anuradha C B and Arpit Khosla
Security and privacy of Internet of things (IoT)
Ehsan A Dehkordi, Carlene Campbel, Kapilan Radhakrishnan, Stephen John Rees and Idris Ahmed
LiNSAT: Nano-satellite for lightning detection, discrimination and geo-location
Ghulam Jaffer
Experience oriented intelligent Internet of things
Haoxi Zhang
Internet of things animal health services platform for precision farming
Ivan Andonovic, Christopher Davison, Craig Michie and Christos Tachtatzis
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection for wireless communication IC s: challenges and solutions
Juin J Liou
Evolution of the Internet - the IoT
Kalpak Gude
Profiling IoT devices for unusual responses of operations using machine learning techniques
Khusanbek Gafurov and Chung Tai Myoung
Proposed sensing -transmission model for uncoordinated cognitive radios
Navpreet Kaur and Inderdeep Kaur Aulakh
Nikhil Marriwala, O P Sahu and Anil Vohra
QoE-based service analytics and optimization model with big data
Pierre Espoir Koffi
Evaluation of mobile GSM performance under different atmospheric propagation models
Qaysar S Mahdi and Idris H Salih
High performance chemical and biological sensing in wearable formats
Radislav A Potyrailo
National broad band network design based on optimization of quality of experience (QoE)
Shervin Amiri
A smart classroom environment - utilizing sensor networks and Internet of things
Simon Downes, Ian Wells, Carlene Campbell and Chris House
The shifting role of carriers from network operators to aggregators
William P Stueber II