Andreas Eckart
Serge F Timashev
F Nickel
The quantum Hall effect, the Ó¨ angle, instantons and all that
Adrianus M M Pruiske
A no tau neutrino appearance and a no Glashow resonance suggest an absent neutrino astronomy
Daniele Fargion
J Buitrago
Finite-temperature effective potentials in models with extended Higgs sector
Mikhail Dolgopolov, Evgeniy Golenev, Albina Gurskaya and Elza Rykova
Microfocus bremsstrahlung source based on betatron high-resolution radiography and tomography
V A Smolyanskiy, M M Rychkov, V V Kaplin, E L Malikov and I B Stepanov
The analysis of dislocations motion in aluminum with allowance for the Peierls potential relief
Arakelyan M M
George Yury Matveev
Deformation quantization of symmetric Kähler manifolds
Kentaro Hara
Renormalization group improved pQCD prediction for Upsilon(1S) leptonic decay
Jian-Ming Shen
Allanur Ansari
Mathematical modeling of charges generation rate in the SiC semiconductor
Mikhail Dolgopolov
Fadeev-Jackiw quantization of non-autonomous singular systems
Herve Mohrbach
Direct observation of the strong nuclear interaction in the optical spectra of solids
Vladimir G Plekhanov
Phase stability in next-generation atomic frequency standards
D A Howe
Relativistic heavy-ion collisions and relics from the early Universe
Ahmed M Hamed
Michele Iacovacci
Marius Arghirescu
Search for a heavy Higgs and probing the CP for the light Higgs at the LHC and future e+e- colliders
Xin Chen
Valentina Markova
Laser-nucleus reactions at the upcoming extreme light infrastructure
Adriana Palffy
The relativistic hydrogen atom with magnetic monopole on the nucleus
Alison M Brennan
Analogue of asymptotic freedom in warm dense matter
W J Nellis
Assessment of diamagnetic antimatter storage for fueling the deep space relativistic rockets
Oleg G Semyonov
Hydrodynamics of the physical vacuum: Vorticity dynamics
Valeriy I Sbitnev
Negative time scales in quantum systems
P Singha Deo
Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology received 114 citations as per Google Scholar report