
Journal of Cytology & Histology

ISSN: 2157-7099

Open Access

Citations Report

Journal of Cytology & Histology : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Cytology & Histology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.

Journal of Cytology & Histology has got h-index 23, which means every article in Journal of Cytology & Histology has got 23 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Cytology & Histology.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Total published articles

60 39 60 60 25 21 34

Research, Review articles and Editorials

3 6 6 23 11 11 30

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

37 33 54 37 14 10 4

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 40

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

7 3 231 256 247 254 260
Journal total citations count 2476
Journal impact factor 2.75
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.51
Journal cite score 2.13
Journal h-index 23
Journal h-index since 2019 16
Important citations

KIRIKCI Koray, and CAM Mehmet. "Investigation of GDF9 (FecG1) Gene Polymorphism by PCR-RFLP Method in Turkish New Sheep Type Of Sheep." Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences 10, no. 2: 98-102.

Dimitrova Ivona, Milena Bozhilova-Sakova, Maya Ignatova, Tanya Ivanova, Veselin Koutev, and Margarit Iliev. "IDENTIFICATION OF POLYMORPHISMS IN THE GROWTH DIFFERENTIATING FACTOR 9 (GDF9) OF THREE MERINO SHEEP BREEDS IN BULGARIA." Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences 73, no. 12 (2020).

Al-Jubori SM, W. J. Al-Khazraji, and A. A. Al-Ani. "RELATIONSHIP OF GDF-9 GENE POLYMORPHISM WITH REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE IN AWASSI SHEEP." Biochemical and Cellular Archives 19, no. 1 (2019): 1117-1121.

Al-Jubori SM, W. J. Al-Khazraji, and A. A. Al-Ani. "RELATIONSHIP OF GDF-9 GENE POLYMORPHISM WITH REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE IN AWASSI SHEEP." Biochemical and Cellular Archives 19, no. 1 (2019): 1117-1121.

Phookan Arundhati, Momi Sarma, Dimpi Khanikar, Dinamani Medhi, and Sourabh Deori. "Detection of polymorphism of FecG gene in indigenous sheep of Arunachal Pradesh." (2021).

Phookan Arundhati, Momi Sarma, Dimpi Khanikar, Dinamani Medhi, and Sourabh Deori. "Detection of polymorphism of FecG gene in indigenous sheep of Arunachal Pradesh." (2021).

Shirokova N. V., A. Yu Kolosov, Yu A. Kolosov, L. V. Getmantseva, N. F. Bakoev, E. S. Vorontsova, and N. N. Kolosova. "Genetic structure of the herd by genes GDF9, GH, CAST in merino sheep of the North Caucasus region of Russia." In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 677, no. 5, p. 052113. IOP Publishing, 2021.

Othman, O. E. M., H. A. A. El-Kader, A. H. A. El-Rahim, O. M. A. El-Moneim, and S. S. Alam. "Genetic characterization of three genes associated with fertility performance in Egyptian small ruminant breeds." Options Méditerranéennes. Série A, Séminaires Méditerranéens 123 (2019): 371-377.

Hossain Faruk, Sharmin Akter Suma, and Mohammad Shamsul Alam Bhuiyan. "Association of GDF9 gene polymorphisms with litter size in indigenous sheep of Bangladesh." Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries 7, no. 2 (2020): 283-292.

Hossain Faruk, Sharmin Akter Suma, and Mohammad Shamsul Alam Bhuiyan. "Association of GDF9 gene polymorphisms with litter size in indigenous sheep of Bangladesh." Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries 7, no. 2 (2020): 283-292.

Othman Othman E., H. A. A. El-Kader, A. H. A. El-Rahim, O. M. A. El-Moneim, and Sally S. Alam. "Genetic characterization of three fertility genes in Egyptian sheep and goat breeds." Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 88, no. 2 (2018): 200-205.

Ajam Ismael K, Thamer RS Al-Jubouri, and Qayssar H. Ghayyib. "TGF-B Super Family Correlation with the Fertility of Iraqi Awassi Ewes." Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences 32 (2019): 26-32.

Mustafa Hamid, Waqas Ahmad Khan, Zulfiqar Hussain Kuthu, Adeela Ajmal, Khalid Javed, Noor Ul Ain, Ahmad Ali, and Muhammad Zeeshan. "1. Analysis of FecG gene in lohi sheep breed using PCR-RFLP technique." Pure and Applied Biology (PAB) 7, no. 1 (2018): 292-295.

Rahmawati Resti Yuliana, Sumadi Sumadi, and Tety Hartatik. "Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms in GDF9 gene associated with litter size in Garut sheep." Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 24, no. 1 (2019): 51-56.

Al-Khuzai Fouad Lazim Jasim, and Jaafar Ramahdan Ahmed. "Polymorphism of GDF9 (exon 1) gene and its association with milk production and prolifi cacy of awassi sheep." Plant Archives 19, no. 2 (2019): 4037-4040.

Escobar-Chaparro, Raquel Anahí, Gabriel Guillen, Luis Uribe Espejo-Galicia, Víctor Manuel Meza-Villalvazo, Julian Mario Pena-Castro, and Jose Abad-Zavaleta. "qPCR and HRM-based diagnosis of SNPs on growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9), a gene associated with sheep (Ovis aries) prolificacy." Biotech 7(2017): 1-8.

Mohamed Sara E. Ibrahim, Romaz M. Ahmed, Khaleel IZ Jawasreh, M. A. M. Salih, Dalia Mursi Abdelhalim, A. W. Abdelgadir, Md T. Obeidat, L. M. A. Musa, and Mohammed-Khair A. Ahmed. "Genetic polymorphisms of fecundity genes in Watish Sudanese desert sheep." Veterinary world 13, no. 4 (2020): 614.

Saleh Ahmed A, M. H. Hammoud, Nasraa A. Dabour, E. E. Hafez, and Mahmoud A. Sharaby. "BMPR-1B, BMP-15 and GDF-9 genes structure and their relationship with litter size in six sheep breeds reared in Egypt." BMC research notes 13, no. 1 (2020): 1-7.

Eghbalsaied Shahin, Farzad Rashidi Khorasgani, Hamid-Reza Amini, Majid Farahi, Maryam Davari, Ahmad Pirali, Sheila Pourali, Mahmood Vatankhah, Mahmud Rostami, and Hadi Atashi. "Variant GDF9 mRNA is likely not the main cause of larger litter size in Iranian Lori-Bakhtyari, Shal, Ghezel, and Afshari sheep breeds." Archives Animal Breeding 60, no. 2 (2017): 119-129.

Gorlov, Ivan F., Yuri A. Kolosov, Nadezhda V. Shirokova, Lyubov V. Getmantseva, Marina I. Slozhenkina, Natali I. Mosolova, Nekruz F. Bakoev, Maria A. Leonova, Anatoli Yu Kolosov, and Elena Yu Zlobina. "Association of the growth hormone gene polymorphism with growth traits in Salsk sheep breed." Small Ruminant Research 150 (2017): 11-14.

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Citations: 2476

Journal of Cytology & Histology received 2476 citations as per Google Scholar report

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