Ali Salman Bin Thani
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain, Bahrain
Dr Bin Thani graduated with a BSc degree from The University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain in 1998. He completed his Master study on Medical Biotechnology from the Arabian Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain. In 2004, he started his PhD study under the supervision of Dr Kumar Rajakumar from University of Leicester, UK. His research project in the PhD had involved in silico analysis of bacterial DNA sequences and the use of different bioinformatics approaches (e.g., tRNAcc and MobilomeFINDER) to elucidate possible functions for novel DNA sequences.
Dr Bin Thani research interest is focused on studying the contribution of pathogencity islands in the emergence of pathogenic bacteria; distribution of laterally acquired foreign DNA sequences and its role in maintaining the bacterial genome balance; and the development of molecular diagnostic approaches to detect pathogenic bacteria from clinical specimens.
Clinical Infectious Diseases: Open Access received 1149 citations as per Google Scholar report