Antonino Tuttolomondo
Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialities
University of Palermo, Italy
Reviewer of the ISI and with impact factor journals : "Journal of Diabetic Complications" "Journal of Internal Medicine", "Journal of Neurological Sciences", "Haematologica", "Plos-one", " European Journal of Neurology" "Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy", European Journal of Internal Medicine" "Pediatric Research" "Metabolism", Brain Research ", Cardiovascular Diabetology" , " Journal of Translational Medicine" "Atherosclerosis" , " Clinical and Applied Thrombosis and Haemostasis" "Cytokine", " Neurology" , "Biomarkers", " Journal of Neuroinflammation", " International Immunopharmacology","American Journal of Hypertension","Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine", " Neurological Research" "Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psichiatry", "International Journal of Cardiology", "Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome" "Journal of Infection and Public Health", " Future Neurology", "BMJ Case Reports" Since December 2007 reviewer for the University PRIN projects. Since January 2009 is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal "Open Diabetes Journal Ha tenuto presentato diverse relazioni a Congressi Nazionali su invito ed in particolare 109° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna nell'ambito Simposio Preinaugurale dal titolo " Ictus ischemico: dal come al perchè" con una relazione dal titolo " Classificazione ed Epidemiologia" ed al " 2007 Executive Guest Editor of the Internation Journal ISI and with impact factor, Current Pharmaceutical Design 2012 : Editorial Advisory Board della rivista Journal of Symptoms and Signs (JSS). Dal Gennaio : member of Editorial Advisory Board of the Internation Journal ISI and with impact factor Internal Medicine and Emergency. Dall'ottobre 2013 member of Editorial Board of Journal of Cardiology and Therapy". Dal novembre 2013 member of Editorial Board ISI and with impact factor journal " World Journal of Gastroenterology". january 2014 Guest Executive Editor of the international journal “Current Immunology Reviews". Author of more than 100 publications mostly published in international journals, ISI and referees committee and medium-high impact factor and inherent in the pathophysiology and epidemiology of ischemic stroke and in particular the evaluation of the activation of the acute phase of immunoinfiammatoria ' acute ischemic stroke , the relationship between cardiovascular risk factors and diagnostic subtypes ( TOAST ) cerebral ischemia , the possible role of predictive variables immunoinfiammatorie in the diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke. Further research interests are related to the role of therapy with high-dose furosemide and small-volume hypertonic saline therapy and refractory heart failure and refractory ascites , the role of the salt load in the acute characterize and stratify patients with congestive heart failure after therapy with high doses of furosemide and small volumes of hypertonic saline , the atherosclerosis as inflammatory disease and characterization of the diabetic foot as risk markers cardiovascolare.Ulteriori interests are represented finally by Anderson-Fabry disease , and in particular of its role as risk factor of cryptogenic stroke over over which the search for new mutations in the gene for alpha- Galactosidase 256,046 total impact factor;
Total quotes :1344 ; quotes from 2009 1088 H- 22; i10 -index 32
Pathophysiology,diagnostics,clinics and therapy of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Immunoinflammatory background of neuronal damage in ischemic stroke, to the relationship between diabetes and cerebrovascular risk, to the prognostic factors involved in stroke prognosis and to the relationship between inherited coagulation disorders and cerebrovascular disease
Journal of Diabetic Complications & Medicine received 102 citations as per Google Scholar report