
Journal of Health & Medical Informatics

ISSN: 2157-7420

Open Access

Godlevsky Leonid

Godlevsky Leonid

Godlevsky Leonid
Department of Biophysics, Medical Informatics and Medical Devices
Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine


Leonid Godlevsky graduated from Odessa Medical Institute (Ukraine) in 1979, gained PhD degree in 1984, defended his doctoral thesis (D.Sci.) in 1992 in the field of experimental epileptology, and gained his professorship in 1995. Since 1999 till now works as a chief of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Devices at Odessa National Medical University. In 2000 have been awarded with “NIDA Hubert H.Humphrey Drug Abuse Research Fellowship” (USA). Since 1998 started collaboration with his colleagues – neurophysiologists from Radboud Nijmegen University (The Netherlands), which included the development of mathematical models of electroencephalographic signals. During 2005-2007 was in charge for working out the conception of Regional Telemedical system. Development of new approaches in EEG analysis have been awarded as the best work presented at 4-th International Congress on the Improvement of the Quality of Life on Dementia, Epilepsy, MS and Peripheral Neuropathies, Odessa, 2006. During 2011 -2013 he was involved in cooperation between academies of sciences of Ukraine (NASU), and Turkey (TUBITAK, University of Ondokuz Mayis, Samsu, Turkey) which was devoted to experimental epilepsy problems. Since 2008 he became a Member of Scientific Board which award with PhD degrees in the field of Biological and Medical Informatics and Cybernetics, which is working at Medical Informational Systems-Department (International Research and Training Center of Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), Kiev, Ukraine.

Research Interest

His research interests are confined to experimental epileptology, signal and imaging analysis, elaboration of mobile applications to mobile platforms, performing distant medical measurements. Research works from Department performed last time included analysis of the bottom of eye, distant control of the bracket system in orthodontic patients. New methods on the diagnostics of diabetic retinopathy, early forms of caries have been developed.

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Citations: 2700

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