
Hepatology and Pancreatic Science

ISSN: 2573-4563

Open Access

Lorenzo Dioscoridi

Lorenzo Dioscoridi

Lorenzo Dioscoridi
Department of Surgery and Translational Medicine
Careggi Hospital of Florence, Italy


After humanistic studies, Dr. Lorenzo Dioscoridi did successfully the Medical School in Florence. He worked and studied at Karlova University of Prague and at Karoliska University. He performed a working stage at Saint Luke’s Hospital in New York and at Niguarda-Ca’ Granda Hospital in Milan. He is now working at Careggi Hospital of Florence in the Department of Surgery and Translational Medicine. He is member of AIGO (Association of Italian Gastroenterolgists), of IALMS (International Association of Laser Medicine and Surgery) and of AIMS (Advanced International Mini-invasive Surgery) Academy. He is an official reviewer of British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research.

Research Interest

He is researching in several fields including laser surgery in liver and pancreas, interventional digestive endoscopy and pancreatic surgery.

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