
Irrigation & Drainage Systems Engineering

ISSN: 2168-9768

Open Access

Mohamed Shaban M Abu-Salama

Mohamed Shaban M Abu-Salama

Mohamed Shaban M Abu-Salama
Leuphana University, National Water Research Center, Egypt


Dr. Mohamed Shaban works currently as a researcher in the Drainage Research Institute (DRI), National Water Research Center in Egypt. He completed his PhD program in Environmental Engineering (2007) from the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of Lunenburg (Leuphana) in Germany.
He has accumulated 15 years of experience in environmental research while working as a researcher in DRI. During this period, He contributed to several researches that were carried out within the international projects:
-Drainage Research Program (DRP) Phase I and II (Dutch-Egyptian projects).
-Monitoring and Analysis of Drainage Water Quality (MADWQ) (Dutch-Egyptian Project)
-National Water Quality and Availability Management NAWQAM  (Canadian-Egyptian).

In the Leuphana University, He joined the research team of Prof. Dr. Brigitte Urban. This team works in environmental research, oriented on the model of sustainable development and focusing on the reciprocal impact of human activity on the environment.
Within working times in DRI and Leuphana, He contributed in designing experiments, collecting, processing and analyzing environmental data (mainly crop, soil, water quality and quantity data), interpreting and presenting results as well as writing reports.

Research Interest

Assessment and re-design of water quality monitoring networks
Ecosystem management and restoration
Economic impact and environmental degradation
Statistical modelling and Time series analysis
Water quality monitoring and assessment
Water pollution control

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