
Journal of Clinical Respiratory Diseases & Care: Open Access

ISSN: 2472-1247

Open Access

Prof. Alessandro Rubini

Prof. Alessandro Rubini

Prof. Alessandro Rubini
Department of Biomedical Sciences
University of Padova, Italy


Prof. Alessandro Rubini University of Padova (I) Department of Biomedical Sciences Born in 1955 in Mestre-VE (ITALY), he attended primary and secondary schools. Degree in Medicina e Chirurgia in 1981 magna cum lauda, Specialist Anesthesiology and intensive care (1986) and Sport medicine (1991). Since early '80 he attended continuosly to academic teaching in the University of Padova. He was (and today too is)teacher in Human Physiology for: Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia Corso di Laurea Triennale in Infermieristica Corso di Laurea Triennale per Assistente Sanitario Scuole di Specializzazione: Malattie dell'Apparato Respiratorio, Anestesiologia e Rianimazione, Chirurgia Toracica, Medicina dello Sport, Nefrologia, Cardiologia.

He is Author of a number of full length papers (54), 59 contributions to scientific congresses, 7 chapters in edited books, 4 monographs.


Research Interest

The main scientific interests regard the pulmonary circulation and the respiratory system mechanics in humans and experimental animals.

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