
Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology

ISSN: 2329-6542

Open Access

Supriya Kar

Supriya Kar

Supriya Kar, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astrophysics
University of Delhi, India


Dr. Supriya Kar completed his UG and PG education in Utkal University, Bubaneswar. He recieved his PhD from Institute of Physics, Bubaneswar. He worked in Harish-Chandra Research Inst, Allahabad as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate during 1995-96 (1-yr) and in University of Tokyo, Komaba, Japan as JSPS Post-Doctoral Fellow during 1996-98 (2-yrs). He worked in Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden as (NFR) Research Associate during 1998-2000 (2-yrs) and in Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur as Assistant Professor during 2001-2002 (2 yrs). At present he is working as Associate Professor in the department of Physics and Astrophysics at University of Delhi.

Research Interest

High Energy Physics (String Theory, Non-commutative Geometry, Gauge Theories, Quantum Gravity)

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