Vilasini Devi.K.R
Jimma university, Ethiopia
I Dr. Devi Nair, Indian graduated in medicine and postgraduate din hospital administration and health economics for India. Since 2004 i am working as Asst.professor in health economics under UNDP assignment in Ethiopian university. i finished a fellowship with Monash university Australia and research work done in the area of health economics. Now i am completing My phd research work in Tata Institute, Mumbai in the faculty of health system studies and my focus area is on health economics of NCDs. I was selected for young researchers grand from WHO,AHPSR in 2007, received full scholarship for health economics postgraduate program from PHFI, India in 2008-09.Iam presenting papers in international conferences and 7 publications in peer reviewed journals
Health care financing,
Social determinants of health
Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access received 106 citations as per Google Scholar report