


Journal of Microbiology and Pathology

ISSN: 2952-8119

Open Access

Vladimir S Sukhorukov

Vladimir S Sukhorukov

Vladimir S Sukhorukov, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sci
Professor of the Personalized Medicine Center of Sechenov Moscow Medical University, Russia, General Pathology, Pediatrics


Dr. Vladimir S Sukhorukov is Professor of the Personalized Medicine Center of Sechenov Moscow Medical University and Head of General Pathology Dpt of the Pediatric Research Institute of Pirogov Russian Medical University. He had taken Pediatric Faculty and postgraduate course of 2nd Moscow Medical Institute. In 1994 he was invited as the senior scientific employee the Moscow Institute of Pediatrics and Children Surgery (now Pediatric Research Institute). In 1998 he organized there the Department of General Pathology. Member of the Scientific Council on the Problems of Hypoxia of Russian Academy of Sciences and the Chairman of its Commission on Mitochondrial Pathology. Vice-president of the Russian National Association of Laboratory, Personalized and Translational Medicine.

Research Interest

Common and theoretical histology and pathology, mitochondrial pathology, pediatric pathology, neuromuscular pathology, hereditary diseases of metabolism, histochemistry, cytochemistry, electron microscopy, morphometry.

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