Articles published in Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications has got h-index 14, which means every article in Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications has got 14 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |
Total published articles |
58 | 25 | 60 | 22 | 13 | 2 | 6 |
Research, Review articles and Editorials |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary |
27 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Conference proceedings |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
2459 | 1926 | 253 | 216 | 209 | 191 | 177 |
Journal total citations count | 2314 |
Journal impact factor | 2.5 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 10.05 |
Journal cite score | 8.86 |
Journal h-index | 14 |
Journal h-index since 2019 | 11 |
Sigurdsson, Gunnar, and Sergei D. Silvestrov. "Matrix bosonic realizations of a Lie colour algebra with three generators and five relations of Heisenberg Lie type." Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications 3, no. 4 (2009): 329-340. |
Lilley M, Di Marco F, Martin J, Peter P. Non-Abelian bosonic currents in cosmic strings. Physical Review D. 2010 Jul 15;82(2):023510. |
On graded global dimension of color Hopf algebra |
Maakestad, Helge Øystein. "Differential operators on projective modules." arXiv preprint arXiv:1110.4966 (2011). |
Kuznetsova, Zhanna, and Francesco Toppan. "Classification of minimal Z 2× Z 2-graded Lie (super) algebras and some applications." Journal of Mathematical Physics 62, no. 6 (2021): 063512. |
Vougiouklis T. Hv-fields, h/v-fields. Ratio Mathematica. 2017 Dec 28;33:181-201. |
Ahmed, A. L. (2020). Derivations of a Subclass of Filiform Leibniz Algebras. Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, 49(1). |
Bakayoko, Ibrahima, and Sergei Silvestrov. "Hom-prealternative superalgebras." arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.05432 (2017). |
Navarro, R. M. "Infinitesimal deformations of filiform Lie algebras of order 3." Journal of Geometry and Physics 98 (2015): 150-159. |
Maakestad, Helge Øystein. "Differential operators on projective modules." arXiv preprint arXiv:1110.4966 (2011). |
Ngakeu, F., 2012. Graded Poisson structures and Schouten–Nijenhuis bracket on almost commutative algebras. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 9(05), p.1250042. |
Zoba, M. A. D. (2021). Quasi-Centroids Of Dendriform Algebras. Psychology and Education Journal, 58(2), 6684-6689. |
Isaac, P.S., Stoilova, N.I. and Van der Jeugt, J., 2020. The Z 2× Z 2-graded general linear Lie superalgebra. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 61(1), p.011702. |
Armakan, Abdoreza, and Sergei Silvestrov. "Color Hom-Lie algebras, color Hom-Leibniz algebras and color omni-Hom-Lie algebras." arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.06160 (2020). |
Maakestad, Helge Øystein. "Algebraic connections on ellipsoid surfaces." arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.2806 (2012). |
Schork M. Recent Developments in Combinatorial Aspects of Normal Ordering. |
Markl M. Higher braces via formal (non) commutative geometry. InGeometric Methods in Physics 2015 (pp. 67-81). Birkhäuser, Cham. |
Khalili, Valiollah. "The structure of split regular BiHom-Leibniz color algebras." Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 50, no. 4 (2020): 1369-1386. |
Campoamor-Stursberg, R. and De Traubenberg, M.R., 2010. Unexpected features of supersymmetry with central charges. Journal of physics A: Mathematical and theoretical, 43(45), p.455201. |
Artemovych, O. D., Blackmore, D., & Prykarpatski, A. K. (2017). Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 24(1), 41-72. |