Akalu Gebru* and Firew Mekbib
The objectives of this study were to assess the genetic variability of yield, yield related traits and to estimate direct, indirect effects of trait associations. Seventeen varieties were evaluated and subjected to the analysis of variance using RCB design, in Eastern Amhara Ethiopia. The varieties differed significantly for most of the characters and had wide range of mean values, which indicated the existence of variations among the tested varieties. Estimates of phenotypic coefficient of variance (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of variance (GCV) were generally low. The highest GCV and PCV values were recorded on grain yield (51) and plant height (60). The PCV values were slightly greater than the GCV values. Grain yield, plant height, protein content and grain size had relatively high heritability. Grain yield gives high heritability value accompanied by high genetic advance which is good indicator for selection. Grain yield had positively and significantly correlated with date of maturity. Grain yield negatively correlated with protein and positively associates with starch.
Akalu Gebru* and Firew Mekbib
Malt barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is one of the most important industrial crop and highly demanded due to the expansion of brewery factories in the country and the unique nature of the grain for malt. However, its production and productivity is very low compared to other countries due to limited numbers of high yielding malt barley varieties, partial use of agronomic and production and low genetic base due to these farmers were highly resistance to produce malt barley in north eastern Ethiopia. The objectives of this study were to identify malt barley varieties preferred by farmers. Seventeen varieties were evaluated in participatory variety selection (PVS) using RCB design, in Eastern Amhara. The varieties differed significantly for most of the characters and had wide range of mean values, which indicated the existence of variations among the tested varieties. Participatory variety selection was done using pair wise ranking and direct matrix ranking methods. It provides an opportunity to the farmers for variety selection and creates a chance to adopt the new selected varieties easily. Variety HB-1533, IBON174/03, EH-1847 and Friegbs scores the highest yield and highly preferred by farmers which perk up by the community. The above varieties were selected for further multiplication, seed dissemination.
Ali Zafar
Microbiome is a term that is used to comprise the entire microorganism’s genome that inhabitant symbiotically in the human gut, the microorganism inhabiting together are the bacteria, archea, viruses and fungi. it is the requirement of the time that we consider the review as well as the association of micro biome data for the inventory of the new therapeutic approaches which should be in the consideration of the traditional approaches in concept wise along with the methodologies.
Xu Yang
The DNA is said to be the hereditary material carrier of the any living beings. DNA stands for the deoxyribonucleic acid and is nearly same in every cell of the human body. It’s one of the greatest ability is to replicate and form the new strands which are complementary to the parent DNA strand or the template DNA. The location of the DNA is always determined to be in the nucleus but some small amount is also present in the mitochondria and in plants, it’s also present in the choroloplast. The mitochondria is the cell organelle which is responsible for the energy production in the cell whereas, chloroplast are the cell organelle in plants which are responsible for the pigmentation of the plant leaves in turn involved in the photosynthesis.
Yakubu Abdulmojeed
DNA is the prime source of biological molecule which is involved in forming the living beings. And this phenomenon occurs by the cell division in which one cell divides to produce two daughter cells that consists of the required genetic information. One of the well-recognized activity followed by the DNA is that the “DNA Replication” which is the process of the one DNA strand to form duplicate of the other DNA strand is necessary for the keeping the integrity of the DNA molecule.
Taosheng Huang
The survival of any cells depends on the metabolic activities carrying place in the cell which involves the proteins and enzymes for the process to occur. These proteins are encoded by the DNA which are said to be responsible for the carrying of the genetic information of the cell. Thus, the maintenance of these DNA is ensured by the DNA replication.
Monica Mottes
DOI: 10.37421/2161-4567.2024.8.36
To fulfil the growing demand for genomic sequencing (GS) across medicine, alternative forms of genetic counselling are required. This demand is growing as a result of the severe lack of experts who can conduct genomic counselling, a procedure that includes counselling for the many hazards that GS can uncover. There are roughly 5,500 genetic counsellors in Canada and the United States to service a population of almost 400 million people, or 1.5 professionals per 100,000 people. It is anticipated that this workforce will need to double in order to fulfil the rising demand for genetic counselling.
DOI: 10.37421/2161-4567.2024.8.37
DOI: 10.37421/2161-4567.2024.8.38
Genetic testing is widely used in medicine and is frequently requested or ordered by patients, non-genetics subspecialists, and primary care physicians. Other research has demonstrated that ordering genetic testing is frequently uncomfortable for clinicians. A consistent training programme for teaching resident physicians about genetic testing does not yet exist, despite efforts to teach these ideas through continuing medical education. Methods: From September to October 2020, we used email to find every paediatrics resident at our facility (N=102). Residents were invited to participate in a Qualtrics web survey that asked about their perceived level of awareness about the fundamental ideas behind genetic testing and their reported level of comfort discussing these ideas with their family. The percentage of respondents who said they were unprepared ranged from 28% (basic genetics principles) to 80%. The majority of paediatrics residents concurred that they would benefit from a course that covered the fundamentals of genetic testing.
DOI: 10.37421/2161-4567.2024.8.39
Journal of Genetics and Genomes received 65 citations as per Google Scholar report