
Journal of Microbial Pathogenesis

ISSN: 2684-4931

Open Access


Ourania Kostopoulou

Ourania Kostopoulou

Department of Medicine
Karolinska University Hospital, Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM), Sweden


She obtained my PhD degree in Basic Medical Sciences, Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine University of Patras. Title of thesis: Derivatives of chloramphenicol as antibacterial and anticancer agents and as tools to study the function of the catalytic center of the ribosome. At the beginning of my PhD I got a fellowship in the framework of a DAAD/IKYDA programme for training in Gene Center, LMU, Munich, Adviser Prof. Daniel Wilson. I participated also in the ARISTEIA “Excellence” programme of General Secretariat of Research and Technology. Title of the Project: Dissecting the involvement and the dynamic networks of tRNA expression, signaling and translation in lung cancer. I have co-authored 12 publications in peer reviewed journals including Nucleic acid Research, International Journal of Cancer, Oncotarget, Journal of Virology, PLOS ONE. Now I am working as Postdoctoral Researcher in Karolinska University Hospital studying the effect of HCMV infection in ribosomal biogenesis.

Research Interest

Ribosome, protein synthesis, development of new antiviral (especially HCMV), anticancer drugs

Nikolaos Papanas

Nikolaos Papanas

Associate Professor
Democritus University of Thrace, Internal Medicine, Greece


Dr. Nikolaos Papanas is Associate Professor in Internal Medicine-Diabetes Mellitus at Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. He has been specialized in diabetes and its complications in the Diabetes Center and the Diabetic Foot Clinic at King’s College Hospital, London, UK, as well as in the German Diabetes Center at the Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. He has established an ongoing collaboration with the neuropathy study group of the German Diabetes Center in Düsseldorf. He has published more than 250 papers in peer-reviewed journals with more than 3000 citations. He serves in the editorial board of more than 40 international journals. He has also participated with numerous presentations in Greek and European medical congresses and repeatedly served as invited reviewer in medical journals. He has served in the Executive Committee of the Hellenic Society for Angiology. He is currently a member in the Executive Committee of the Study Group on Diabetes and Nervous System of the German Diabetes Association (DDG). He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Greek Society for the Study of the Diabetic Foot. He has served as Secretary General and, until very recently, as President of the Hellenic Diabetes Association. He is now the President of the ethics and administrative committee of the Hellenic Diabetes Association. He is also Vice President of the Diabetic Foot Study Group (DFSG, of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). He has recently become Visiting Professor, German Diabetes Centre, Düsseldorf. Finally, he is an honorary member of the Cypriot Diabetes Association and the Hungarian Diabetes Association.

Research Interest

Diabetes mellitus, Diabetic complications, Diabetic foot, Diabetic neuropathy, Medical writing, Vascular disease, Metabolic syndrome in OSAS and obesity

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