
Medicinal Chemistry

ISSN: 2161-0444

Open Access

Citations Report

Medicinal Chemistry : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Medicinal Chemistry have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.

Medicinal Chemistry has got h-index 40, which means every article in Medicinal Chemistry has got 40 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Medicinal Chemistry.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Total published articles

60 41 79 58 37 27 37

Research, Review articles and Editorials

1 3 0 8 12 14 37

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

39 38 79 50 25 13 0

Conference proceedings

11 55 16 0 0 15 88

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

7233 4195 739 814 819 728 637
Journal total citations count 6627
Journal impact factor 2.05
Journal 5 years impact factor 16.32
Journal cite score 1.74
Journal h-index 40
Journal h-index since 2019 32
Important citations

Padmalia M (2012) Minyak Asiri Artemisia vulgaris dari Tiga Metode Destilasi: Kemampuan Antibakteri menggunakan Metode Bioautografi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Penyusunnya menggunakan Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrophotometer (Artemisia vulgaris Essential Oil of Three Methods Distillation: The Antibacterial Ability using Bioautography Methods and Compounds Identification using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrophotometer) (Doctoral dissertation, Program Studi Biologi FB-UKSW).

Kristiani EB, Kasmiyati S, Herawati MM (2016) SKRINING FITOKIMIA DAN AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI in vitro EKSTRAK HEKSANA-PETROLEUM ETER Artemisia cina Berg. ex Poljakov. Agric 27.

Btisam O, Mohamed G, Badr S, Lahsen EG, Mariam F, et al. (2016) Effect of harvest date on yield, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Artemisia herba-alba essential oil. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 7: 600-606.

Udrescu L, Caunii A, Szabadai Z, Butnariu M (2011) Ã¯Â»Â¿Brand Value Versus the Quality Of Phytoterapeutic Products with Antioxidant Biocomponents from the Green Tea. Ã¯Â»Â¿Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii (Life Sciences Series) 1: 551-556.

Zohra MF, Benchaben H, Nadira A, Abbassia A (2015) The antibacterial effect of the sagebrush essential oil (Artemisia herba-albaAsso.) of Western Algeria 10: 294-298.

Dib I, Mihamou A, Berrabah M, Mekhfi H, Aziz M, et al.  (2017) Identification of Artemisia campestris L. subsp. glutinosa (Besser) Batt. from Oriental Morocco based on its morphological traits and essential oil profile. J Mater Environ Sci 8: 180-187.

Bor T, Gyawali R, Ibrahim SA (2016) Evaluating the effectiveness of essential oils and combination of copper and lactic acid on the growth of E. coli O157: H7 in laboratory medium. Foods 5: 14.

Qnais E, Raad D, Bseiso Y (2014) Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of an extract and flavonoids from Artemisia herba-alba and their mechanisms of action. Neurophysiology 46: 238-246.

Aziz M, Karim A, EL OUARIACHI EM, BOUYANZER A, AMRANI S, et al. (2012) Relaxant effect of essential oil of Artemisia herba-alba Asso. on rodent jejunum contractions. Scientia pharmaceutica 80: 457-468.

NovaliÄ Z, van Rossen TM, Greijer AE, Middeldorp JM (2016) Agents and Approaches for Lytic Induction Therapy of Epstein-Barr Virus Associated Malignancies. Med chem (Los Angeles) 6: 449-466.

Kumar V, Kumar M, Beniwal V, Gupta GK, Kumar S (2016) Synthesis of Some Aroylhydrazones and 2, 5-Disubstituted-1, 3, 4-Oxadiazoles as DNA Photocleaving Agents. Med chem (Los Angeles) 6: 474-485.

Anacona J, Pineda Y, Bravo A, Camus J (2016) Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of a Tridentate Schiff Base Derived from Cephalexin and 1, 6-Hexanediamine and its Transition Metal Complexes. Med chem (Los Angeles) 6: 467-473.

Hassan MZ, Ali MA, Osman H, Kumar RS, Arumugam N (2016) Design, Synthesis and Antimycobacterial Activity of Dispiropyrrolidines Derivatives. Med chem (Los Angeles)6: 486-491.

Padhy J (2016) Approach to Diabetes: Its Treatment and Management. Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 5: 1-10.

Sharma S (2016) Strategies for Effective Oral Insulin Delivery with Protamine Coated Proliposomes Encased in Eudragit S100 Coated Capsule: A Review.Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicological Studies 4: 15-18.

Zuccolotto T, Félix Lourenço AV, Bruginski E, Alves B, Veiga A (2016) Antimicrobial Activity of the Crude Extracts and Fractions of Three Baccharis Species. Med Chem (Los Angeles) 6: 557-560.

Svirshchevskaya EV, Gracheva IA, Kuznetsov AG, Myrsikova EV, Grechikhina MV (2016) Antitumor Activity of Furanoallocolchicinoid-Chitosan Conjugate. Med Chem (Los Angeles) 6: 571-577.

Abulkhair HS, El-Gamal KM, El-Adl K, Fadl MF (2016) Molecular Docking, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some Novel 2-Substituted-3-allyl-4 (3H)-quinazolinone Derivatives as Anticonvulsant Agents. Med Chem (Los Angeles) 6: 593-603.

Kovaleva KS, Kononova AA, Korobeynikov VA, Cheresiz SV, Zarubaev VV (2016) Cytotoxic and Antiviral Properties of Novel Dehydroabietylamine Salts. Med Chem (Los Angeles) 6: 642-646.

Jouk AO (2014) Targeting Clinically Viable Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases with Rationally Designed, Small Molecule Inhibitors and Artificially Induced Protein-Membrane Anchors (Doctoral dissertation).

Google Scholar citation report
Citations: 6627

Medicinal Chemistry received 6627 citations as per Google Scholar report

Medicinal Chemistry peer review process verified at publons

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