
Molecular and Genetic Medicine

ISSN: 1747-0862

Open Access

Citations Report

Molecular and Genetic Medicine : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Molecular and Genetic Medicine have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.

Molecular and Genetic Medicine has got h-index 29, which means every article in Molecular and Genetic Medicine has got 29 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Molecular and Genetic Medicine.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Total published articles

60 53 61 59 33 62 69

Research, Review articles and Editorials

1 8 7 12 21 38 42

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

39 45 54 47 12 24 27

Conference proceedings

0 0 13 14 0 36 162

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

4125 3135 348 369 376 335 318
Journal total citations count 3919
Journal impact factor 4.4
Journal 5 years impact factor 6.21
Journal cite score 6.74
Journal h-index 29
Journal h-index since 2019 19
Important citations

Handley M, Sheridan E. RAB18 Deficiency.

Dennis AK, Oakley PA, Weiner MT, VanVranken TA, Shapiro DA, Harrison DE. Alleviation of neck pain by the non-surgical rehabilitation of a pathologic cervical kyphosis to a normal lordosis: a CBP® case report. Journal of physical therapy science. 2018;30(4):654-7.

Fortner MO, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Non-surgical improvement of cervical lordosis is possible in advanced spinal osteoarthritis: a CBP® case report. Journal of physical therapy science. 2018;30(1):108-12.

Clynick B, Dessauvagie B, Sterrett G, Harvey NT, Allcock RJ, Saunders C, Erber W, Meehan K. Genetic characterisation of molecular targets in carcinoma of unknown primary. Journal of translational medicine. 2018 Dec;16(1):185.

Faizal M, Khan AA. A Histomorphological Study on the Olfactory Bulb of Diabetic Albino Rats. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medical Sciences. 2017 Sep 26;3(4):47.

De K LB. Morbidity. Electronic J Biol.;13(2).

AM C, Marinelli T, Melfitano A, Di Pumpo M, Modola G, Benvenuto A. Circulating Micro-RNAs in Diabetic Patients: What Meaning? Short Review.

Sergeeva SP, Gorbacheva LR, Breslavich ID, Cherdak MA. Fas Role in Ischemic Stroke: Not Only in Apoptosis. Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine. 2016;10(4):1.

Hartoyo E, Thalib I, Sari P, Maharani C, Budianto WY, Suhartono E. A Different Approach to Assess Oxidative Stress in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Patients Through The Calculation of Oxidative Stress Index. Journal of Tropical Life Science. 2017 Sep 11;7(3):237-42.

MEHRAEI M. A Proposal for Identifying Potential Strategies to Treat Affective Disorders Using Computer Simulations.

Åžener Taplak A, Erdem E. A comparison of breast milk and sucrose in reducing neonatal pain during eye exam for retinopathy of prematurity. Breastfeeding Medicine. 2017 Jun 1;12(5):305-10.

Hemasa AL, Naumovski N, Maher WA, Ghanem A. Application of Carbon Nanotubes in Chiral and Achiral Separations of Pharmaceuticals, Biologics and Chemicals. Nanomaterials. 2017 Jul 18;7(7):186.

Arun Kumar R, Kavya Manaswini R, Anitha Sri S. Innovative Approaches in the field of Cardiology. Res Rev Biosci. 2016;11(3):109.

Yuan SM. Palliative Therapies for Congenital Heart Disease with Ductus Dependent Pulmonary Circulation. Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie. 2017 Sep 15.

Benjelloun FM, Kriouile Y, Cheillan D, Daoud-Tetouani H, Chabraoui L. Management of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy in Morocco: actual situation. BMC research notes. 2017 Dec;10(1):567.

Corvino V, Apisa P, Malesci R, Laria C, Auletta G, Franzé A. X-Linked Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Literature Review. Current Genomics. 2018 Aug 1;19(5):327-38.

Wang J, Zhu Q, Liu H. A novel mutation in the Abcd1 gene of a Chinese patient with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy: Case report. Medicine. 2018 May 1;97(21):e10837.

Ma Wei, Bao Juncui, Wang Huijun, Xiao Aimin, Li Xiaolan, Li Huan. Expression of miR-222 gene, ER α, collagen in the vaginal wall of patients with anterior vaginal bulging. Modern Instruments and Medical. 2017 Nov 20;23(5 ): 78-80.

Lin Z, Yang J, Liu H, Cai D, An Z, Yu Y, Chen T. A novel uromodulin mutation in autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease: a pedigree-based study and literature review. Renal failure. 2018 Oct 15;40(1):146-51.

Zhou Z, Ma L, Shi Y, Li C. Perspectives on precision medicine in gout.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations: 3919

Molecular and Genetic Medicine received 3919 citations as per Google Scholar report

Molecular and Genetic Medicine peer review process verified at publons

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