Orestes Lopez Piloto*, Tania Margarita Cruz Hernandez, Lismary Martinez Valdes, Emmanuel Batista Geraldino, Orestes Lopez Ayala, Luis Torres Alvarez and Claudia Diaz Villalvilla
Introduction: The complexity of the pathology treated by this route, frequently of tumor origin, lies in the close anatomical relationship that they have with
important neurovascular structures which, most of the time, are deformed, displaced or completely engulfed in them.
Methods: A retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out. The universe of study was made up of all the patients operated by an endoscopic
endonasal approach at the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, in the period from May 2017 to April 2021.
Results: A sample of 65 patients was identified. The average age was 52 years. Among the treated lesions, patients with pituitary macroadenomas (52.3%),
followed by craniopharyngioma (20%) predominated. The postoperative complications that were recorded in our series were postoperative CSF fistula, epistaxis
and vascular lesion (frontopolar artery) with a total of 3 cases (4.6%) and two deaths (2.9%) The degree of tumor resection in our series was total in 64.7% of the
cases operated on by both the standard endoscopic endonasal approach (21.5%) and the extended approach for 43.2%.
Conclusion: The endoscopic endonasal approach is a fundamental tool for the management of most lesions of the anterior cranial base and the sellar / parasellar
region because it allows for extensive resections with a relatively low number of complications.
It is well known by the medical community that stress overload negatively impacts the health and well-being of individuals on psychological, emotional, spiritual, and
physical levels. The results from multiple studies and research show that regular self-care does, in fact, help combat the negative effects of stress overload. However, the
year 2020 has created such an elevated level of chronic stress that traditional self-care may no longer be enough to combat these negative effects effectively. By adding a
new kind of self-care, called simple self-care to our busy daily schedules when done on a regular basis, has been proven to further reduce the negative effects of stress on
a more immediate level. This paper examines the definition and concepts of simple self-care which has been federally copyrighted as a concept and theory of application,
along with the benefits it has on creating a healthier lifestyle of stressing less and living happier. These results are supported by an accumulation of multiple studies and
research which has been documented in reports and books pertaining to negative effects of chronic stress, human anatomy and physiology, and the benefits of self-care.
The data suggests that by adding short intervals of simple self-care into our daily schedules regularly, we can start negating the harmful effects of stress overload and begin
building up our stress resistance to better deal with chronic stress leading to a healthier and happier future.
As we know that pain is the most common reason for which a patient takes medicine. Pain is not a single entity but may be classified as nociceptive pain, inflammatory
pain, and neuropathic pain. In this review we have exclusively Neuropathic pain is caused by the direct lesion on the neuron or damage or dysfunction of peripheral
or central neurons. Although the neuropathic pain is single entity theoretically but it involve broad arena of receptor and mediators like melanocortin and its receptor
(Type4), TLR7, TLR8, Sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor, CCL2, P2X4, and PARP-1 regulated expression of inflammatory mediator. Because of such dynamic interplay
amongst the mediators and its corresponding receptor in addition to the inflammatory ligand and its receptor even the smallest stimulation results in spontaneous intense
pain after that it gets transformed into chronic pain syndrome which is difficult to treat. In chronic pain syndrome, plastic changes occur in nociceptive neurons which
can’t be reversed by pharmacological treatment. In this review, we have discussed the core pathophysiology of neuropathic pain and advances in mediator and receptor
accompanied their consequences or interaction to sustain the neuropathic pain.
V.R.Sanal Kumar*, Rajaghatta Sundararam Bharath, Charlie Oommen, Nichith Chandrasekaran, Vigneshwaran Sankar, Ajith Sukumaran, Shiv Kumar Choudhary and Pradeep Kumar Radhakrishnan
Evidences are escalating on the diverse neurological disorders associated with COVID-19 pandemic. The theoretical discovery of Sanal flow choking is a paradigm shift in the
diagnostic science of asymptomatic stroke causing neurological disorders in earth and at the microgravity condition (human spaceflight). A critical review has been carried out herein for correlating the phenomenon of Sanal flow choking (PMCID: PMC7267099) and hemorrhagic stroke. Herein, we show that when systolic to diastolic blood pressure ratio (BPR) reaches the lower critical hemorrhage index (LCHI) the internal flow choking and shock wave generation occurs in the downstream region of the vessels, with sudden expansion, divergence, bifurcation, stenosis and/or occlusion, leading to pressure overshoot causing brain hemorrhage and/or neurological disorders. The critical BPR for internal flow choking is uniquely regulating by the biofluid/blood heat capacity ratio (BHCR). The BHCR is well correlated with BPR and blood viscosity. The closed form analytical model reveals that the relatively high and the low blood viscosity are risk factors of internal flow choking causing aneurysm and hemorrhagic stroke. In vitro data shows that fresh blood samples of healthy subjects evaporate at a temperature range of 37°C-40°C (98.6°F-104°F) and generate carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oxygen gases in the vessel. The single phase in silico results demonstrated the occurrence of Sanal flow choking and pressure overshoot causing memory effect (stroke history) leading to progressive neurological disorders. We concluded that disproportionate blood thinning medication increases the risk of flow choking causing hemorrhagic stroke. The risk of brain hemorrhage and various types of neurological disorders in COVID-19 patients and others in earth and microgravity environment could be diminished by concurrently lessening the viscosity of biofluid/blood and flow turbulence by increasing the thermal tolerance level in terms of BHCR and/or by decreasing the BPR. The effect of Sanal flow choking is more severe in blood vessels with divergent/bifurcation regions because it leads to the shock wave generation and the transient pressure overshoot causing irreversible neuronal damage forming the core of infarction. We concluded that, for a healthy life all subjects with high BPR inevitably has high BHCR for reducing the risk of the internal flow choking (biofluid/Sanal flow choking) triggering neurological disorders as results of infraction.
Priyankan Sharan
As the COVID-19 Vaccination program is rampantly and progressively rolling out, increase in the number of adverse events become alarming and many rare complications have been notified. During the current period of COVID-19 vaccination, a high index of suspicion is required to identify thrombotic episodes following vaccination. However, it is important to remember that these side effects are rare and much less common than both cerebral venous thrombosis and ischemic stroke associated with COVID-19 infection itself. Neurological complications are potentially disabling AEFI (adverse event following immunization) that may range from facial palsy to stroke. The authors report the first case of lateral medullary infarct after administration of Moderna mRNA vaccine in Singapore.
Frank P. Maier-Rigaud
Neurodegenerative Diseases (NDDs) occur when nerve cells in the brain or peripheral nervous system lose function over time and ultimately die. The risk of being affected by a neurodegenerative disease increases drastically with age. With increasing life expectancy neurodegenerative diseases have been on the rise. The absence of a cure for NDD implies a high burden to the individual patient but also a tremendous cost to society. This article advances some possible economic explanations for the absence of disease-modifying treatments for NDDs by exploring relevant non-medical hurdles in research and development. While the development of disease-modifying treatments for NDDs may present intrinsic hurdles existing economic research provides arguments why other explanations for the absence of causal therapies may play a role. Notably economic science can shed light on the incentives for developing causal treatments. In this article we analyse the innovation inhibiting effect of an already existing drug portfolio. Moreover we demonstrate that different regulatory mechanisms in essence price controls and health insurance as well as patent protection might distort companies’ incentives to innovate. This may tilt incentives towards research geared to smaller and lower incremental value innovations which could be an explanation for the lack of causal therapies in NDDs
Vahid Eidkhani
Frank P. Maier-Rigaud
Maryam Sotoudeh Anvari
Rajesh Kumar, Brijesh Kumar*, Ashutosh Kumar, Ajay Kumar, Manish Singh
Shanmugam Rajendran
Shuai Liu
Objective: To investigate the changes of retinal thickness and P-ERG signals in adult patients with anisometropic and strabismic amblyopia. Methods: Sixty patients with monocular adult amblyopia, including 30 Anisotropic Amblyopes (AA group) and 30 Strabismic Amblyopes (SA group), were enrolled in our study at the outpatient clinic of The Hefei First Peoples Hospital of Anhui medical University from June 2019 to November 2020. Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL) thickness was measured within 3.4 mm diameter range surrounding the optic nerve, and Ganglion Cell Complex (GCC) layer thickness within 6 mm diameter range surrounding the fovea by an Optovue RTVue Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in both amblyopic and fellow eyes. The amplitude and latency of P50 and N95 in Pattern-Electroretinogram (P-ERG) were recorded by a Roland electrophysiology instrument under two stimulation conditions with different temporal and spatial frequencies that were designed to bias the parvocellular and magnocellular pathways respectively. Data between amblyopic and fellow eyes was statistically analyzed by paired t test. The correlation between axial length and parameters of OCT and P-ERG was examined by Pearson correlation test. Results: Changes in RNFL thickness: In the AA group, RNFL thickness in temporal sector was significantly thinner (p=0.033), while that in the nasal, superior and inferior sectors increased (p<0.05) compared with fellow eyes. In SA group, no significant difference (each sector p>0.05) was found between amblyopic eyes and fellow eyes. Changes in GCC thickness compared with fellow eyes, in the AA group, GCC layer thickness of amblyopic eyes was significantly increased (p=0.039), whereas in the SA group, we did not find a significant difference between amblyopic eyes and fellow eyes (p>0.05). P-ERG stimulated mode biased the parvocellular pathway when compared with fellow eyes (n=15), in the AA group, the amplitudes of P50 (p=0.004) and N95 (p=0.038) were significantly decreased in amblyopic eyes, but no significant latent time difference (p>0.05) was found. In the same stimulus pattern, no statistically significant difference (n=15, p>0.05) between amblyopic eyes and fellow eyes was found in the amplitude and latency of P50 and N95 in the SA group. P-ERG stimulated mode biased the magnocellular pathway the amplitude and latency of P50 and N95 showed no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) in either the AA group or the SA group. We found no significant correlation between axial length and OCT, P-ERG parameters (p>0.05) in either group. Conclusion: Our results showed that the alterations in structure and function of retina that could be seen in adult anisometropic amblyopia were not found in adult strabismic amblyopia group. We thought the functional loss in anisometropic amblyopia was more bias to the parvocellular pathway. These findings indicated that the pathological mechanisms were different between anisometropic and strabismic amblyopia.
Moussavou Cedrick
Wernekink commissure syndrome was first described in 1941 by Lhermitte, but it wasn't until 1958 that it made its first appearance in a publication at the 22nd International Neurological Meeting. This syndrome takes its name from the first illustrations made in 1840 by Franz Joseph Julius Wilbrand, the successor of Friedrich Christian Wernekink (1798-1835). Wernekink's commissure syndrome is characterized by the combination of bilateral cerebellar ataxia with dysarthria or anarthria, associated with occasional internuclear ophthalmoplegia and delayed-onset palatal myoclonus (Holmes tremor), secondary to caudal paramedian midbrain infarction.
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.3.551
Context: The presence of anxiety in individuals with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is widespread, and it is related to a higher risk of negative outcomes. There has been a dearth of research on the management of anxiety in people with coronary artery disease.
Aims: The present study aimed to determine the associated risk of anxiety among Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).
Settings and design: This was a cross-sectional study conducted on a group of patients with IHD between the ages of 20 and 60 years.
Methods and material: A total of 200 individuals participated. Medical records were one of the data sources. The data of patients who meet the selection criteria gathered from the cardiology departments of the PSCC in KFSH.
Statistical analysis used: Statistical package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23 was used for statistical analysis.
Results: This research comprised 200 patients, the majority of whom were male (81%) and female (19%). According to the findings, 70% of people had minimal depression, 13.5% had mild depression, 8.5% had moderate depression, 4.5% had severe depression, and 3.5% had moderately severe depression. Medications were utilized in the majority of cases (98%).
Conclusion: Anxiety disorders that manifest themselves in the setting of heart disease must be recognized and treated with caution in the early stages of the disease. When giving medical therapy, it is important to examine the effects of the drugs on the heart, as well as the possibility of drug-drug interactions.
Yuka Sai, Balu Chakravarthy, Debbie Callaghan, Qiao Li and Wandong Zhang*
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.3.552
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the accumulation of extracellular amyloid-β peptides (Aβ) and intraneuronal neuro-fibribillary tangles in the brain. Increasing evidence builds a strong case for the role of soluble Aβ oligomers (AβOs) in the impairment of insulin signaling in AD. Insulin signaling pathway begins upstream at the insulin receptor by phosphorylating IRS1 and propagating the signal downstream to the PI3K/ Akt which down-regulates GSK3β activity for tau phosphorylation and activates mTORC1 that mediates a wide range of cellular functions. Our study found that human AD brains had high levels of Aβ peptides with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (AD/CAA) and showed low activities of insulin signaling-responsive transcription factors as compared to age-matched non-demented controls (ND). Our further studies with neuroblastoma 2a (N2a) cells stably transfected with a human AβPP695 gene (N2a-AβPP), which secrete excessive Aβ, show that the basal levels of the expression and phosphorylation of several but not all critical signaling proteins along insulin signaling pathway are dysregulated as compared to the parental N2a cells. N2a-AβPP cells were phenotypically insulin resistant in response to insulin stimulation. Pre-treatment of N2a-AβPP cells with the Aβ-binding peptide (ABP), which binds and removes Aβ oligomers, significantly enhanced insulin signaling response in cells compared to controls. Taken together, our data suggest that human AD/CAA brains had dysregulation of insulin signaling and that Aβ oligomers may be responsible for inducing the insulin-resistant phenotype in N2a-AβPP cells and the removal of Aβ oligomers by ABP improved insulin signaling and relieved insulin resistant phenotype.
Ling Liu, Rong Ou, ZongWen Chen, Wen Zhong and Hongxia Chen*
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.3.553
Introduction: Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy (ANE) is a rare severe disease with high mortality or severe neurological sequelae characterized by rapid onset of consciousness disturbance and symmetric bilateral thalamic necrosis shown on imaging. To date, there have been limited investigations on SARS-CoV-2-related ANE, mainly in the form of case reports.
Case presentation: A previously healthy 13-year-old girl presented with rapid deterioration of consciousness, status epilepticus, elevated aminotransferase, and symmetrical multi-focal brain lesions on MRI images during the Omicron pandemic. She accepted mechanical ventilation and had a good response to plasma exchange and continuous blood purification, intravenous immunoglobulin and high-dose methylprednisolone.
Conclusion: ANE is a rapidly progressing disease that necessitates prompt detection through a combination of clinical presentation and imaging modalities. It is of paramount importance to enhance the awareness and knowledge of pediatricians regarding SARS-CoV-2-related encephalopathy. Upon diagnosis, treatment with high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone and IVIG should be contemplated. Additionally, plasma exchange and continuous blood purification could help alleviate liver damage in patients with ANE.
Shweta Kalita, Nikita Mehdiratta* and Alan R. Hirsch
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.3.554
Objective: Correlation of Bluetooth transmission with subjective hyperosmia.
Background: Subjective hyperosmia, as a manifestation of belief of exposure to Bluetooth transmission, with testing demonstrating the absence of true hyperosmia, has not heretofore been described.
Case presentation: This 53-year-old right-handed single woman presented with a 10-year history of increased sensitivity to the aroma and enhanced perception of smells upon exposure to Wi-Fi electromagnetic radiation. She noted an intensity-duration effect: With higher intensity and duration of Wi-Fi exposure, her sense of smell would escalate and persist: After a few hours of exposure, her smell would jump to 190% of normal and last for two weeks.
Result: Abnormalities in the neurological examination: Reflexes: 0 in both lower extremities. Chemosensory Testing: Alcohol Sniff Test: 8 (hyposmia). Gustation: Waterless Empirical Taste Test: Brothy: 4/8 (hypogeusia).
Discussion: Nidus for such hyperosmic delusions may be a primary olfactory system disorder, with induction of ephaptic transmissions, causing intermittent phantosmia or otherwise misperceived odor, misattributed to the ambient environment. The assignment of the source of the hyperosmia to Bluetooth is consistent with the zeitgeist of mistrust and paranoia of higher technology. This may be a form of expectation effect due to visual evidence (high tower wires); suggestion combined with subcultural group dynamics with belief in harm of such electromagnetic/Bluetooth waves, with distorted information recall and misattribution. Suchgroup dynamics and shared misperceptions may fuel a delusion, as in the Mandela effect. Perchance, this case represents not having delusional hyperosmia due to a functional psychiatric disorder but instead having a neuroanatomic basis. Those with subjective hyperosmia and hypersensitivity to aromas have demonstrated hypertrophied gray matter volume in the posterior sub-region of the right hippocampus, left precuneus, left superior frontal gyrus, and right hypothalamus. In those with subjective hyperosmia, a neurological investigation is warranted.
Nikita Mehdiratta*, Shweta Kalita, Drushti Birwatkar and Alan R. Hirsch
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.3.555
Introduction: Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a known phenomenon observed in individuals experiencing opioid withdrawal, which can worsen heroin dependence. Typically,RLS affects only the legs, but this case report presents a unique instance of generalized Restless Body Syndrome (RBS) induced by opioid withdrawal.
Case presentation: The report describes a 67-year-old male undergoing opioid detoxification who experienced restlessness throughout his body, resembling RLS sensations.The restlessness affected various areas, including the thorax, abdomen, back of legs, lower back, arms, and legs, excluding the face. The sensations were described as periodic electric waves that intensified at night or during periods of inactivity and improved with physical activity, mainly walking. Similar sensations were also noted during withdrawal from opioids or buprenorphine/naloxone, significantly when the dose was reduced to 1mg/day, and they resolved upon reintroduction of buprenorphine/naloxone.
Results: Neurological examination revealed specific abnormalities, such as recent impaired recall, facial akinesia, decreased blink frequency, cog wheeling in upper extremities,a stooped, shuffling gait, and resting tremor in both upper extremities. Neuropsychiatric tests showed abnormal results in the Go-No-Go Test (4/6) and a minimal level of depression according to the Beck Depression Inventory Type-II (score: 9). The patient also scored as a problem drinker on the Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (score: 35).
Discussion: Exploration of the similarities between RBS and RLS, highlighting that RBS affects additional areas of the body, including the upper extremities, thorax, and back. While RBS may represent a variant of RLS, it could also be a different condition. Another potential explanation is that it may be a form of serotonin syndrome induced by opioid use, including fentanyl, which can lead to generalized myoclonus. Although RLS associated with opioid withdrawal is well-documented, the underlying mechanisms responsible for its manifestation throughout the body, including the neck, remain unclear. One hypothesis suggests a generalized polyneuropathy affecting the upper limbs and lower extremities, particularly in cases of iron deficiency. The report suggests that variants of RBS may occur in individuals undergoing opioid withdrawal, potentially requiring low-dose opioids for treatment. Consequently, evaluating RBS as part of the assessment for opioid withdrawal is necessary.
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.2.549
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.2.559
Priyankan Sharan* and Puneet Seth
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.6.572
With the emerging as well evolving revascularization therapy of central nervous system there is always an urgency to diagnose stroke at earliest presentation. In intent to avoid treatment within window period we are on the benefit of doubt, thus stroke mimic baffles clinician especially emergency physician. Here, we report a 46 years old male presenting with unilateral neurological deficit secondary to cervical spinal abscess provisionally diagnosed as stroke.
Xiaofei Jia* and Changle Zhou
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.6.571
Central-parietal N200 is an ERP component that associates with orthographic processing in Chinese word recognition. Studies have shown that it may be related to the early processing of morpheme structures. Compound words can be regarded as the smallest unit of morpheme combination, the recognition process can be analogous to the comprehension of the sentence, including combining constituent morphemes. This process includes grammatical combinations and semantic combinations. Studies have found that the semantic combination takes place during the N400 time-window. Generally speaking, the grammatical combination should occur before the semantic combination, so does the structure priming that occurred during the N200 time-window represent grammatical combination? We explored this issue by using Chinese coordinative compounds and ERP technology. We found that there is a significant grammatical structure priming effect in the processing of Chinese compound words. This effect occurs in the early stage of word processing, that is, the N200 period. Combined with the previous research, the semantic relation priming occurred in the N400 window, indicating that the grammatical combination did appear before the semantic combination, and outlined the time course of the effect of relation information.
Waseem Hasan, Mazen Shafea, Doua Abdulrahman and Sahar Daas*
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.6.570
Background: Neurological disorders prevalence burdens the healthcare system. These neurological disorders are defined as functional impairments that affect the nervous system; the clinical neuropathological manifestations can present structural, biochemical, or electrical abnormalities.
Zebrafish disease models have been used extensively to study human neuropathological and behavioral disorders due to the unique in vivo live real-time visualization of the developing nervous system within the transparent model.
Myelin is a lipoprotein of a fatty multilayered membrane that surrounds the axons of the nerve cells. The myelination of the axons increases the electrical impulse speed rate through the nervous system and indicates the proper function of the nervous system.
In zebrafish model, histological procedures are employed to study the nervous system. However, the proper orientation and serial sections should be obtained the neuroanatomy of the brain at the cellular level. Consequently, it is challenging to examine the structural alterations in real dimensional developing brain.
Luxol fast blue is used to stain myelin sheath which is rich in phospholipids. This stain is used to differentiate white matter (rich in myelin) from the grey matter in brain tissue sections.
Results: Here, we developed a new method of whole-mount staining that optimize the penetration of staining regents of luxol fast blue into the white and gray matter of zebrafish larvae developing brain with decrease non-specific binding and background. Our result showed the clear anatomical structures of the central nervous system as a utility for experimental neuropathology in zebrafish model.
Conclusion: Our developed method provides three-dimensional visualization of the developing central nervous system of zebrafish; this is useful to characterize neuron demyelination in corresponding disease model.
Hongmei Ding, Bilal Muhammad, Xiaolong Wang, Shu Kan, Weiwei Chen, Yingfeng Mou, Ruiguo Dong and Deqin Geng*
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.4.562
Background: The incidence of recurrent stroke and mortality ratio of patients with a transient ischemic attack (TIA) and minor ischemic stroke (MIS) is a challenging issue, especially the long-term recurrence ratio.
Aims: This study aimed to estimate the long-term incidence of ischemic stroke recurrence and identify the risk factors associated with recurrent stroke in the Xuzhou region of China.
Settings and design: This was a cross-sectional study conducted on a group of patients with TIA or MIS between the ages of 20 and 80 years.
Methods and material: A total of 297 individuals participated. Medical records were one of the data sources. The data of patients who meet the selection criteria gathered from the Neurology department, affiliated hospital of Xuzhou medical university Statistical analysis used: Statistical package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23 was used for statistical analysis.
Results: In this study, 297 patients were included for analysis; 30 (9.17%) patients were lost to follow-up at 5 years. Post onset of the TIA and MIS analysis reveals that the cumulative incidences of recurrent stroke at 3,6,12, 36, and 60 months were 6.73% (20/297), 10.77% (32/297), 18.86% (56/297), 25.25% (75/297), and 33.33% (99/297), respectively. Multivariate regression analysis demonstrated that age, current smoking, poorly controlled hypertension, diabetes, vascular stenosis, and plaque vulnerability as independent risk factors for ischemic stroke recurrence. Further analysis based on different vascular stratification of carotid atherosclerosis showed that 5-year cumulative survival was 10% lower in patients with severe stenosis than in patients with plaque vulnerability.
Conclusion: This study aimed to estimate the long-term incidence of ischemic stroke recurrence and identify the risk factors associated with recurrent stroke in the Xuzhou region of China.
Shweta Kalita, Chiraag Ashokkumar* and Alan R. Hirsch
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.4.563
Objective: Pathophysiology behind reduced olfactory ability in hyperosmic individuals.
Background: Covid-19 infection as an enantiopathy to hyperosmia has not been described.
Design/Methods: A 63 year-right-handed male presented with hyperosmia of 150% of normal whereby aromas appeared distorted and disgusting. Shortly, he tested positive for Covid-19 which led to a resolution of his hyperosmia. Alcohol Sniff Test scores fluctuated between zero and three (anosmia). Gradually, his smell improved from 80% and 100% of normal. However, post Covid-19 infection, it returned to 130% of normal.
Results: Neurological abnormalities, Olfatory testing, Odor discrimination memory test, Total 7/12 (hyposmia). Bilateral olfactory threshold testing to phenylethyl alcohol 3 (hyposmia). Taste Threshold and Suprathreshold Testing: Mild hypogeusia to Sucrose. Ageusia to Hydrochloric acid, urea and propothiocarbamide. Olfactometer Identification Testing: Left nostril: 10 (anosmia), Right nostril: 8 (anosmia).
Conclusion: The mechanism whereby Covid-19 acts to reduce olfactory ability in normosmic individuals has been postulated as viral involvement of olfactory nerve at olfactory bulb, pathology of sustentacular cells, olfactory receptor site destruction vasculopathy/arteriopathy of cranial nerve or central connections of olfactory nerve or inflammatory response induced destruction of lamina propria and olfactory nerve apoptosis. The same may have incited a reduced olfaction in hyperosmic individuals-such may be under grouped as understanding the pathophysiology of this subject’s hyperosmia. Perceived hyperosmia is often objectively hyposmic pathology of inhibiting the inhibitory olfactory discharges that result in enhancement of perceived odor. Elimination of hyperosmia reduces functionality of remaining normosmic neurons which then became relatively hyposmic, but were perceived as normal due to lack of the inhibitory factors. Recovery of hyperosmia upon recovery of olfactory function from Covid-19 would be consistent with such a postulation. Of those with preexisting chemosensory dysfunction, query as to impact of Covid-19 on remaining sensory function is warranted.
Huei-Chun Liu, Hsin-Hsien Chen, Ming-Hung Hsu, Kun-Hung Lee and Shieh-Yueh Yang*
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.4.564
Immunomagnetic Reduction (IMR) is an ultrasensitive assay for low-concentrated circulating proteins associated with diseases, such as cancers, inflammation, preterm birth, and neurodegenerative diseases. In addition to exploring clinical utilities, investigations of the chemical kinetics of the associations between biomarker molecules and nanoparticles in IMR have attracted much interest. To this end, the real-time alternating current (AC) magnetic signal, χ ac, of the reagent after being mixed with a sample was recorded, i.e., χac -t curve. Total tau protein (T-Tau), which is associated with neurodegenerative diseases, was used as a representative biomarker. Detailed characterizations, such as characteristic times in the χac -t curve, instant reaction rates, and orders of reactions, were investigated in this work. In particular, the effect of the concentration of the biomarker (T-Tau) on these parameters was explored. The results show that the nanoparticle-biomolecule association consists of two steps: Diffusion and binding. The time to initiate the binding step decreases as the T-Tau concentration increases, but the time to finish the association increases. During the binding step, the instant reaction rate reaches a maximum before the first half of the binding step is completed. The period of the second half is longer than the first half by 65% to 112%. Furthermore, the nanoparticle-biomolecule association is found to be a first-order reaction. The contributions of various factors, such as the collision frequency, surface energy barrier, substrate mobility, numbers of nanoparticles/molecules, etc., are discussed to clarify the chemical kinetics of the reactions in the IMR assay.
Brito Mayara PacÃÂfico and Boffino Catarina Costa*
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.4.561
Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that involves a spectrum of manifestations, including alterations in restricted and repetitive sensory motor behavior and social communication deficits that expresses in activities of daily living. The functionality of posture and balance is investigated by observing aspects related to physical measures and clinical characteristics of the center of pressure sway and daily living skills (DLS) in individuals with ASD.
Objective: To characterize the functionality of postural control in patients diagnosed with ASD and to observe correlations between changes in postural control in clinical features and DLS.
Methodology: This study conducted a bibliographical survey in the PubMed, SciElo, PEDro, and Bireme databases. The inclusion criteria included studies from 2011 to 2021, free texts in Portuguese and English, and articles of evaluations in children up to the age of adults (44 years) that were within the study objective. Articles excluded described coordination and balance disorders other than ASD, studies proposing treatment protocols, and evaluations of adults older than 45.
Results: Five pieces compose this review in which the characteristics observed show postural balance changes. There is a difference in the performance of individuals with ASD and typical development (TD), showing a longer time for postural development and difficulties in DLS.
Conclusion: Although the studies present different ways of evaluating postural and balance development, balance disorders are evident, considering a correlation between DLS and IQ.
Syed Adnan Ali*, Syed Noor Ali and Rehan Khan
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.651.4.565
This review paper explores auditory tactile (AT) synesthesia, a rare neurological condition where sounds evoke tactile sensations. The paper provides a historical overview of the condition and discusses its epidemiology, with a prevalence of less than 1% of the general population. The neurological basis of AT synesthesia is explored, including the role of cross-modal processing and hyper connectivity within the brain. The paper also describes the phenomenology of the condition, including the range of tactile sensations that can be experienced in response to different sounds. The occurrence of AT synesthesia in the present-day world is discussed, including its relationship to music and art. Various hypotheses surrounding the development and maintenance of AT synesthesia are reviewed, focusing on genetic and environmental factors. The implications for clinical practice are explored, including potential benefits for individuals with sensory processing disorders. Finally, the paper concludes with a discussion of future directions for research in this field, including the need to explore further the underlying neural mechanisms of AT synesthesia and potential therapeutic interventions.
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.12.1.580
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Golamali Alizadeh*, Tohidy Yousefi Rezaii and Saeed Meshgini
Purpose: Epilepsy is a neurological disorder affecting more than 55 million people worldwide. Predicting epileptic seizures will improve the lives of people with epileptic seizures. Currently, the diagnosis of an epileptic attack and the analysis of recorded brain activity is performed by a neurologist, which is often accompanied by human error. Recently, researchers have been looking to design and build an automatic system to detect and estimate the occurrence of epilepsy.
Methods: In the present study, two new-fangled methods were proposed based on brain signals and a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). In this research, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is used to create features.
Results and conclusion: Numerous experiments were performed and the accuracy of estimating epilepsy of the proposed methods was achieved in 100%. The proposed methods were more accurate than the previous methods and can be employed as a physician's assistant once entering the field of operation.
Marita F. Thiel* and Wolfgang H. Jost
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.12.1.585
Studies in recent years suggest that in Parkinson’s disease there is a distinction between the sexes. As a preliminary step we examined the data of 100 male and 100 female Parkinson’s patients from a dedicated Parkinson’s hospital. On the one hand, we found significant differences in their levodopa dose equivalent: This was distinctly lower for the female patients, whereas depression occurred more frequently in the female group. On the other hand, data on serum values for vitamin B12 and vitamin D as well as on the results of the test for orthostatic dysregulation and a sonographic examination of residual urine failed to show any significant differences. Our literature search revealed differences in the extent of motor and non-motor symptoms as well as in subjectively reported quality of life. These results however do have some discrepancies that will have to be clarified in future studies. For years now, the lower incidences in the female patients have suggested the possible relevance of estrogen. Precisely because women are less frequently afflicted, a possible neuroprotective role of estrogen has been discussed. In this respect the duration of estrogenic exposition, that is, the earlier or later occurrence of menopause, might be playing a role here. More recent work has also highlighted the function of the RORA receptor (retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor alpha). A neuroprotective function has been attributed to this receptor which is found in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra. Because its expression is subject to control from sex hormones, it might play a role in neurodegenerative diseases. Genetic studies also offer highly promising aspects: Parkinson’s disease in women is more often associated with an altered variant of the gene coding for glucocerebrosidase (GBA) as well as the LRRK2 gene (leucine-rich repeat kinase 2). Further subgroups may also be significant here. The current study data thus reveals different perspectives on Parkinson’s disease in men and women. Final clarification needs further work in the future.
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.12.1.587
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David Tang, Claudia Koh*, Shi Yang Ng, Zhi Xuan Quak and Bernard Chan
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.12.3.595
Background: Patients who present with acute ischaemic stroke require both accurate and timely diagnosis in order to facilitate prompt treatment. Up to 30% of acute stroke presentations can actually consist of stroke mimics such as seizures or migraine. Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have enabled automatic analysis and quantification of both CT angiography and CT perfusion studies. AI analytic programs can assist clinicians in both detecting ischaemic penumbra, as well as recognising atypical perfusion patterns in stroke mimics.
Methodology/Case presentation: A 68-year-old lady with a background of cardiovascular risk factors presented to Emergency as a stroke activation. She exhibited right sided weakness, aphasia and neglect. Urgent computed tomography imaging showed neither evidence of established infarct or haemorrhage, nor any large vessel occlusion. Collateral history revealed a generalized tonic-clonic movements preceding her right-sided weakness, and clinical seizure was diagnosed. Anti-epileptic medications were commenced, and her clinical deficits rapidly improved. The next morning, our patient’s right sided neglect and aphasia recurred.
Findings: Repeat CT angiography showed reduced opacification of cortical branches of the left middle cerebral artery. CT perfusion imaging showed areas of mild hypoaemia in the left frontoparietal lobes, quantified by commercially available artificial intelligence processing software as slightly reduced perfusion time of 4 seconds involving only 18 mL of territory. These findings indicated a final diagnosis of post-ictal paresis. Post-ictal Todd’s paresis leads to reduced cerebral
perfusion via metabolic exhaustion and the action of inhibitory interneurons.
Conclusion: This case study demonstrates the utility of CT perfusion studies and AI-analysis in differentiating ischaemic strokes from stroke mimics stroke mimics, facilitating accurate and timely diagnosis in order to streamline management.
Limitations: This case report’s unitary sample size allows for only case-restricted conclusions, and does not allow its findings to be generalized to a greater population. Larger studies could correlate its findings on a greater sample size and allow for further analysis and application to patient populations.
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.12.3.596
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LA Nussbaum, TM Janjua, J Pederson and Eris S. Nussbaum*
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.12.5.615
Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of peripheral somatosensory stimulation (PSS) in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Methods: 8 patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) underwent daily PSS therapy over a 4-week study period. Assessments were conducted at baseline and at 4 weeks, evaluating anxiety using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7), depression using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and PD symptoms using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Statistical analysis was performed using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests or paired t-tests. The odds of transitioning to an improved score for a given survey question were analyzed using cumulative link mixed models.
Results: Four men and four women completed the trial. Mean age was 74.6 years (range 65 to 84 years). No adverse events were described by the patients. Anxiety scores decreased significantly from a median of 7 (IQR: 3.25-13) to 3.5 (IQR: 0.25-6) by week 4 (p=0.008). Similarly, total depression significantly decreased, with median PHQ-9 scores dropping from 13 (IQR: 8–18.75) to 5.5 (1.5–7.75) by week 4 (p=0.008). Based on UPDRS results, patients had significantly improved symptoms from baseline to follow-up (51.5 ± 12.6 vs. 25.1 ± 17.6, p<0.001), as well as improved scores for all subdomains, including mentation, behavior, and mood (MBM: 6.4 ± 2.8 vs. 2.1 ± 1.4, p<0.001), activities of daily living (ADL: 21.6 ± 5.3 vs. 13.1 ± 6.9, p<0.001), and motor examination (ME: 23.5 ± 7.5 vs. 9.9 ± 11.4, p<0.001). The overall cumulative odds ratio (cOR) was 5.88 (p<0.001), suggesting that on average, the odds of moving from one score to an improved score at week 4 are approximately 6 times higher than moving to a neutral or worse score compared to baseline values. This finding held true for all UPDRS subdomains, with cOR values of 5.76, 4.02, and 12.07 for MBM, ADL, and ME, respectively (all p<0.001).
Conclusion: PSS stimulation appeared to have a significantly favorable effect on anxiety, depression, and primary Parkinson’s disease symptoms in this group of patients. We suggest that further investigation into the potential usefulness of PSS therapy in patients with Parkinson’s disease is warranted.
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.12.6.629
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Man Bahadur Paudyal*, Neha Mehta, Niraj Gautam, Bijay Sharma, Bikas Baral and Kusha Kc
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.5.548
Prothrombotic conditions generally ranging from acquired to genetic, oral contraceptives, malignancy, puerperium, infection, head injury are the common risk factors for cerebral venous thrombosis. Here, we present a case of 18 years males who developed recurrent cerebral thrombosis on the background of the presence of Arteriovenous Fistula
TM Janjua, JM Pederson and Eric S. Nussbaum*
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.5.569
Objective: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a complex condition that represents a significant burden in terms of individual disability and societal costs. Despite decades of research investigating treatment options, PTSD remains a major cause of quality-of-life impairment. We hypothesized that patients with PTSD might benefit from peripheral somatosensory stimulation (PSS) therapy.
Methods: 6 adult patients with clinically diagnosed PTSD were enrolled to undergo daily PSS therapy over a 4-week period. Patients completed two surveys evaluating satisfaction with treatment and overall well-being (Survey 1) and severity of PTSD symptoms (Survey 2). Survey 1 was completed weekly during the course of the study. Survey 2 was based on the 9-question National Stressful Events Survey PTSD Short Scale (NSESSS) and was completed as a baseline prior to initiation of therapy and then at the conclusion of the trial. All data were analyzed by an independent statistician.
Results: 6 male patients were enrolled in the study; all completed the trial. All patients demonstrated a decrease in symptoms within one week of initiation of therapy. This benefit was sustained and appeared to further improve over the course of the trial. For Survey 1, the overall median scores demonstrated a significant time-dependent improvement across measurement times (p<0.001). For Survey 2, patients had statistically significant improvements from baseline regarding feelings of being emotionally upset and being overly alert. Results from a cumulative link mixed model demonstrated that treatment yielded a 38.2-fold higher likelihood of transitioning from a higher PTSD score at baseline to a lower (improved) score at week 4. No adverse events were described by the patients.
Conclusion: PSS stimulation appeared to improve symptoms in all six patients with PTSD symptoms in this trial. Patients had unanimous and clinically meaningful improvement in overall PTSD symptoms with treatment. By week 4, all patients responded that they enjoyed the treatment and would like to keep their device. We suggest that further investigation into the potential usefulness of PSS therapy in patients with PTSD is warranted.
Daniele Orlandoni*, Giuseppe Di Fede, Mauro Mantovani, Nava Consuelo, Marco Tomasi and Paola Fusi
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.5.568
Thanks to the large amount of evidence, a broader and more multidisciplinary vision of the intestine has emerged refers to the role that this anatomical structure plays in human body. A new sophisticated conception has arisen which has imposed a different approach in terms of investigating bowel importance and the repercussions that its functional deficit has towards other systems directly or indirectly related to it. It is, in fact, a complex structure interconnected with other systems (nervous, endocrine and immune) whose efficiency is strongly influenced by a condition of dysbiosis.
Intestinal microbiota attracts daily attention of a growing number of researchers and the data accumulated today allow us to highlight how dysbiosis plays a very important role in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflamed Bowel Syndrome (IBD), Crohn's disease (CD) and even in Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) rather than Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), food intolerance, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and fibromyalgia, cancer, etc.. However the composition of the microbiota is influenced diet, use/abuse of drugs, lifestyle and especially from stress and its reverberation on the Autonomous Nervous System (ANS), etc.
In our study we wanted to analyze how a condition of intestinal dysbiosis may be related to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and depression through the exchange of information through the intestinal-brain axis (GBA).
We studied 33 subjects, 13 males and 20 females, who reported chronic fatigue syndrome or/and depression: We investigated their salivary cortisol levels, blood serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT), omega 3/6 ratio, intestinal dysbiosis (calculated on the levels of urinary metabolites of tryptophan-TRP-: Indoxyl sulfate and skatole), and we looked for the presence of Candida a. or mycetes in the stool.
The data accumulated with this research show a correlation between the presence of Candida a./miceti, indoxyl sulfate urine values ??beyond the physiological (characteristic of dysbiosis) and low 5-HT levels. In addition, data analysis showed that the EPA/DHA values ??also show pro-inflammatory levels in case of dysbiosis and low 5-HT levels.
The relationship, however, with cortisol levels requires further research although this study showed a statistically significant positive correlation between these values, measured at specific times, and 5-HT levels.
With this research we wanted to try to highlight the existing contact points, in some cases not so obvious, among these topics, contact points that, although they give us interesting indications, show the need to be further deepened by analyzing a larger amount of data.
Aim: We investigated the relationship between stress (evaluated through the measurement of salivary cortisol levels) and gastrointestinal efficiency measured as a function of intestinal fermentative and putrefactive dysbiosis, evaluating the levels of urinary indoxyl sulfate in the first case (a possible correlation with the presence of Candida a. or mycetes in the subjects feces was investigated), urinary skatole levels in the second one, in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (SFC) and depression. In these patients we also have studied omega 3/6 ratio. Finally we have analyzed the impact that the alteration of all these parameters can have on the 5-HT levels.
This research attemps to highlight the contact points, in some cases not so obvious, among these topics, contact points that, although they give us interesting indications, show the need to be further deepened by analyzing a larger amount of data.
Konate Ibrahima Sory*, Camara Mamady, Camara Mohamed Salifou, Diallo Souleymane Mbara, Dore Male, Conde Mohamed Lamine, Toure L, Mohamed Lamine Toure, Cisse Fode Abass and Cisse Amara
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.5.566
Background: Cerebellar hematoma is thought to result from a collection of blood in the cerebellar parenchyma. It is a rare topographical form, accounting for 5%-10% of hemorrhagic strokes, with an unpredictable and often dreadful prognosis. The aim of our study is to determine the prognostic factors of cerebellar hematomas in the Neurology Department of the CHU Ignace Deen in Conakry.
Methodology: We conducted a retrospective descriptive study lasting four (4) years, from June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2021, in the neurology department of the CHU de Conakry, focusing on patients hospitalized with a cerebellar hematoma confirmed by cerebral CT scan. The variables were epidemiological, clinical, therapeutic and prognostic. Any p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: A total of 33 patients, representing 9.7% of cerebellar hematomas, with a mean age of 60 ± 12.50 years, ranging from 33 to 82 years, and a male predominance of 69.7% (sex ratio 2.3). Hypertension was the main risk factor in 87.9% of cases. The main symptoms were headache in 90.9% of cases, dizziness in 81.8% and vomiting in 60.6%. The factor associated with a favorable outcome was an ICH score ≤ 2 (p-value=0.004)). The mortality rate was 27.3%. A favorable outcome without sequelae was observed in 18.2% of cases, versus 54.6% in cases with neurological sequelae.
Conclusion: At the end of this study, we concluded that cerebellar hematoma constitutes a diagnostic and therapeutic emergency. High ICH and modified Rankin
at re-entry were poor prognostic factors associated with functional sequelae and a high mortality rate.
Sridharan K, Gokul N*, Giridharan L and Akashdeep V
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.5.547
Ultrasound imaging processing technology has been employed for more than 50 years. Although it has developed quickly, it has some advantages and particular challenges. It is crucial to establish the fetal survival rate, gestational age, and other factors early on, from the standpoint of ultrasound picture analysis. In a bid to better understand the fetus's continuing growth, fetal anatomy ultrasound image analysis techniques have recently been studied and have emerged as an essential tool for prenatal anomaly diagnosis. The moment has come to thoroughly analyse prior efforts in this area and forecast future directions. Thus, this article discusses cutting edge methods along with fundamental concepts, theories, and advantages and disadvantages of ultrasound picture technology for the entire fetal along with different anatomies. It begins by summarizing the ongoing issues and introducing the widely used image processing techniques, such as classification, segmentation, etc.
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.3.558
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DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.2.556
Jinghong Zhang, Xusheng Huang and Qiang Shi*
Kuan-Nien Chou, Ming-Hsuan Chung, Peng-Wei Wang and Da-Tong Ju*
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.2.542
Background: Vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) occur most commonly on the thoracolumbar junction, which are the most vulnerable biomechanical
regiments at the thoracolumbar junction between the thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis. Percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are currently
the primary minimally invasive surgical treatments for thoracolumbar VCFs. The principal aim of this study is to compare the clinical efficacies of percutaneous
balloon kyphoplasty (BKP) and SpineJack® (SJ) techniques in the treatment of thoracolumbar VCFs by evaluating the risk factors for early-onset adjacent level
fractures (ALFs) over a 6 month follow-up.
Methods: A total of 106 patients with thoracolumbar (T11-L2) VCFs, treated with kyphoplasty techniques (64 with BKP and 42 with SJ), were enrolled in
this retrospective study. Patterns of preoperative, postoperative day 1, and postoperative 6 month thoracolumbar spine images and discrepancies of
long-term kyphosis correction functions were compared using two different kyphoplasty procedures.
Results: A total of 19 new early-onset ALFs were found within one month postoperatively (9 in BKP and 10 in SJ groups), and all presented as anterior
vertebral endplate fractures. The early-onset ALFs in the BKP group were anterior inferior endplate fractures at the superior vertebral levels mainly. The
preoperative anterior-type and severe VCFs were the statistically significant risk factors for early-onset ALFs. The timing of kyphoplasty intervention for
acute VCFs within 1 month and patients with advance age were also presented risk factors to developed early-onset ALFs in our study (p=0.018; p<0.001).
Conclusion: There was no superiority in the occurrence rate of early-onset ALFs and kyphosis correction effects of BKP or SJ techniques in the treatment of
thoracolumbar VCFs. The factors, including pre-OP anterior-type and severe VCFs, patients with advance ages, and kyphoplasty timing within one month
since the appearance of symptoms, are the primary risk factors for subsequent early-onset ALFs after kyphoplasty to thoracolumbar VCFs.
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.2.543
The globe faces a serious threat coming from the increase in greenhouse gases (GHG) and the damage caused by it. As emissions depend on the performance and efficiency of manufacturing companies as well as on individual lifestyles, the performance of each individual should be taken into consideration. Herein, the susceptibility to the global emission rate can be linked to a mental state of the population. Therefore, an increasing trend in depressive disorders among individuals was shown. It was described the mental state of individuals can affect their decision-making and performance in resource management, including material handling, inventory control, finance, and losses in time and energy. Secondly, major industrial accidents caused by human error, fatigue, and losses of concentration coming from the mental state were shown. Additionally, the way depression affects individuals in terms of consumption of certain products, indifference to an economy of utilities, and how it might lead to compulsive buying was also described. The results of this study can help to highlight growing problem worldwide, so that better studies supported by private sector as well as a government could be done. Consequently, the risk of unanticipated growth in emissions and environmental damage can be prevented.
Evsikov Evgeny Mikhailovich, Teplova Natalya Vadimovna, Vechorko Valery Ivanovich, Bairova Kermen Ivanovna* and Dzheksembekov Aldar
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.2.546
Background: According to WHO statistics for 2020, the risk of acute infection, which can lead to death, increases with age. The median age of patients with COVID-19 is 61 years. Mortality-after 80 years of life is 15%. The literature discusses the difficulties of timely diagnosis of Covid-19 in the elderly, which in most of them are associated with asymptomatic disease and its atypical course.
Goal and tasks: To assess the symptoms, the nature of the course of the pathology and clinical diagnostic data and mortality rates in people aged 90 years and older hospitalized with a diagnosis of COVID-19 in a repurposed emergency hospital in the city of Sochi. Moscow from April 12 to August 3, 2020 Material and methods: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical diagnostic data of 108 patients, including 23 men and 85 women aged 90-98 years,
Material and methods: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical diagnostic data of 108 patients, including 23 men and 85 women aged 90-98 years, on average 92.2 ± 1.7, admitted to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in the period from 04/12/2020 to 12.04.2020. Until 08/03/2020 with diagnoses according to ICD-10: U07.1 U07.1 Coronavirus infection caused by the COVID-19 virus, virus identified (confirmed by laboratory testing regardless of the severity of clinical signs or symptoms); J12.9 J12.9 Community acquired pneumonia. Patients' data were archived in the city computer system DZM KIS EMIAS of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow.
Results: Pneumonia, which complicated the course of Covid-19 in patients aged 90 years and older, was characterized by a bilateral process-in 85% of them, involving 75-80% of the lung parenchyma-in 19.7% of cases, with the development of hydrothorax-in 53%, with a pathological decrease in oxygen saturation-in 67% of patients. In the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular complications in such patients, heparin therapy (in 70.4%), treatment with beta-blockers (in 41.7%), ACE inhibitors and blockers occupied a large place angiotensin receptors (in 31.5%), diuretics (in 27.8%). The use of antimalarial drugs (in 15.7%) and antiviral agents (in 9.3%) was limited due to the blurring of clinical symptoms, possible cardiotoxicity, and insufficiently substantiated drug efficacy. Lethality in patients with Covid-19 complicated by pneumonia, exceeded in patients aged 90 years and older-55%, which was closely associated with adverse cardiovascular premorbid background in 85.5% of them and required the initiation of inpatient diagnostics and therapy as soon as possible.
Conclusion: Covid-19 complicated by pneumonia in a group of people aged 90 years and older, proceeds with blurred clinical symptoms, with neurological manifestations in 20% and intestinal dysfunction in 6% of patients. High mortality rates at the same time require urgent diagnostic and therapeutic measures in stationary conditions.
Fahimeh Vahabizad, Zahra Ebadi, Mansoureh Togha*, Mohammad Reza Fattahi, Sima Naeini, Maryam Karaminia and Seyedeh Melika Hashemi
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.2.545
Objective: Covid-19 patients can show various neurological symptoms. We aimed to assess the disease severity and prognosis in Covid-19 patients who experienced neurological symptoms.
Methods: In this retrospective, cross-sectional study, we evaluated 225 hospitalized Covid-19 patients with neurological symptoms. Their CURB-65 scores were measured to determine their pneumonia severity in relation to their neurological symptoms.
Results: The patients had different types of neurological symptoms, among which an altered level of consciousness was the most common (62.1%), followed by headache (50.7%). Patients with headaches had ultimately an 80% lower mortality rate (p ≤ 0.001). Patients who were conscious at the time of admission were 62% less likely to die (p=0.019). Based on the CURB-65 severity score, most patients (40.4%) were in the mild group, 33.8% were in the moderate group and 25.8% in the severe group. The presence of headache at admission was inversely related to the CURB-65 score, meaning that a patient with early-onset headache recorded a lower CURB-65 score (p ≤ 0.001; r=-0.389).
Conclusion: Neurological symptoms are a common part of the Covid-19 clinical spectrum. The severity of Covid-19 varied in patients exhibiting different neurological symptoms. A more severe disease course was observed with altered mental status and a milder course with headache at admission.
Orellana Lucas* and Serena Cottet MarÃÂa Daniela
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.11.2.544
Introduction: Primary Sjogren's syndrome (pSS) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease characterized by mononuclear lymphocytic infiltration of exocrine glands (especially salivary and lacrimal) in the setting of antinuclear antibodies. These patients can also develop extraglandular manifestations within which the neurological features are frequent, especially at the peripheral level but also, less frequently, at the central nervous system (CNS).
Case presentation: We describe the case of a female patient with pSS who presented with two recurrent acute neurological events associated with CNS impairment along with radiological inflammatory lesions on MRI scans, requiring hospitalization both in 2019 and 2022.
Discussion: CNS involvement in patients with pSS shows considerable clinical variability and imposes many difficulties in its differentiation from other diseases with a similar clinical course. Knowing this entity is a crucial aspect of a correct diagnosis in order to achieve adequate treatment and reduce the risk of long-term complications and sequelae.
Mahmoud Hussien Salih Daoud, Abubakr Elmotesim Abdulla Elamin and Ahmed Fathelrahman Rizgalla Mohammed*
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6895.23.11.541
Background: This case emphasizes the adulthood onset of PHP with the association of new pattern of brain calcification which is exclusively falx cerebri and supratentorial.
Case presentation: A 35 year old man with 17 year history of epilepsy on Carbamazepine, referred from neurosurgical department where was diagnosed with hydrocephalus complicated by secondary severe optic atrophy and underwent Ventriculo-Peritoneal shunt. Imaging revealed Falx Cerebri, Supratentorial calcification, biochemical tests showed hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia and elevated parathyroid hormone. Patient was given Vitamin D and Calcium in order to improve the outcome.
Conclusion: Although PHP being a rare possibility especially in adult, it has to be considered in incidental meningeal calcification and to be picked up early before complications.
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