Yolanda Harper-Morris, RN, DNP
The City of Chicago Associate Applied Science (AAS) nursing program curriculum does not offer a pharmacology course. In preparation for student’s success on the National Council Licensure Examination Registered Nurse exam (NCLEX-RN), nursing faculty adopted web-based pharmacology contents, to provide additional support and to assist students in learning the concepts of pharmacology throughout the curriculum. At the end of the two-year program, the student’s knowledge of pharmacology was assessed by administering two examinations: ATI-RN Pharmacology exam and ATI RN Comprehensive Predictor exam. If the students are passing the ATI Comprehensive Predictor exam which incorporates pharmacology, is it necessary to administer the additional ATI RN Pharmacology examination.
Isabel Coetzee*
Critically ill patients and their family members experience the critical care unit as an extremely stressful environment. Patients admitted to critical care units are members of a wider patient-family network that functions as a small social network. Family-centered care (FCC) has been described as a partnership approach to health care decision-making. As a philosophy of care, FCC, and the related term patient-centered care (PCC), have been recognized by multiple medical societies, health care systems, state and federal legislative bodies, the Institute of Medicine, and Healthy People 2020 as integral to patient health, satisfaction, and health care quality.
In present era, computer became a part of life and prolonged exposure to computer screen can put a real strain on our eyes and disturbance in musculoskeletal system. This is called “computer vision syndrome.” Objectives: To assess the prevalence and level of perception of computer vision syndrome among engineering students, to find the association between prevalence of computer vision syndrome among engineering students and selected demographic variables and find the association between perception regarding computer vision syndrome among engineering students and selected demographic variables. Methodology: The study covered 100 computer science engineering student from AISAT Engineering College, Ernakulam. Data was collected using g a checklist and Likert scale. Results: Prevalence of computer vision syndrome was 77%. Out of 100 sample, 89% of sample had poor perception and 11% had good perception regarding computer vision syndrome. There was an association between prevalence of computer vision syndrome among engineering students and selected demographic variables like year of and type of device used and there was no significant association between perception regarding computer vision syndrome among engineering students and selected demographic variables. Conclusion: computer vision syndrome was found to be very frequent among the computer science students, which emphasizes the need to adopt some preventive measures to avoid the conditions.
Uncivil interactions
Background: Nurses are the indispensable part of any emergency ward of healthcare due to their effective intervention towards patient-care;
which is directly related to the performance of healthcare organizations. Pakistani Nurses are facing serious challenges due to the
lack of respect in the society for this profession and harming behavior of patients and fellow employees. This treatment threatens their
well-being and invokes their deviant behavior at workplace. However, the existence of personal spirituality among nurses suppresses the
impact of negative events experienced by them as well as it play as intervention to diminish the deviant acts.
Maneesh Sharma
Over the past 100 years, the nursing profession has seen tremendous changes in its growth in India and the established
organizational bodies such as Indian Nursing Council, Trained nurse association of India has a huge role to bring about this change
after their foundation in the year 1908 and 1947. Nursing profession kept on developing and in the course of recent years, the demeanor of the
general public towards it has been changed to some extent.1 Globally, there are 19.3 million nurses and midwives according to the
WHO's World Health Statistics Report 2011 and the figures reveals that in the shortage of the health workers globally, nurses reflects more than
50% of shortage currently which can be seen on a large scale in South East Asia and Africa2. According to INC, total no. of nursing
educational institutions, as on 31st March 2018 are 8,770 (among which ANM 1909, GNM 3215, B.Sc. Nursing 1936, PB B.Sc. Nursing 775,
P.B.D.P 292, M.Sc. Nursing 643 institutions). At present, in State Uttarakhand 87 nursing colleges are recognized by INC among which 20 are
B.Sc. Nursing, 8 are M.Sc. Nursing,7 are Post basic B.Sc. Nursing,29 are GNM, 21are ANM and 2 are of P.B.D.P.3
Christopher A Rolle
I am a 4th year nursing student at the University of The Bahamas’ School of Nursing and Allied Health Professions. I am presently
completing course requirements for the course Nursing Research being Moxey-Adderley. I am also qualified to undertake this study
because the University of The Bahamas also has its own ethics committee and institutional review board (IRB). While doing the required
clinical rotations to complete my studies, I have noted a particular phenomenon among the patients I have screen over the last two years.
There appears to be an increase in the incidents of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) along with concomitant risk factors. Therefore, the aim of
this study is to examine and determine to what extent this phenomenon occurs and the various impacts on Bahamian national life.
I shall be looking at independent variables (IV’s) of diabetes, Hypertension (HTN), and end-stage renal disease also known as Chronic
Kidney Disease (CKD) or locally referred to as kidney failure. The dependent variable for the study is Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). It is
hoped that the data gathered will serve to not only give a clearer picture of the rising phenomenon, but also will be used to facilitate some
breakthrough ideas that will promote improved positive patient outcomes in terms of overall prognoses and activities of daily living.
Nursing students at the University of The Bahamas will form the population group via convenience sampling and snowballing techniques
due to time constraints and lack of funding.
Tilahun Ermeko*, Abate Lette, Yonas Lamore and Yohannes Kebede
Background: Globally, tobacco smoking has a great health impact among youths especially in developing countries. There is limited data on the smoking habits of high school students in developing countries. Smoking behavior in high school students is increasing and it has a significant effect on smoking practice of the future generations. The aim of this study was assessed of prevalence of tobacco smoking and associated factors among high school students Misha district, southern Ethiopia.
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess prevalence of tobacco smoking and associated factors among high school students in Misha district southern Ethiopia; moreover, it will furnish important directions for intervention and prevention of smoking among the students in high schools in Misha district.
Methods: A school based cross- sectional study was conducted among high school students in Misha district southern Ethiopia from March 01 to April 30, 2017. Multi stage sampling technique was used to select 352 study participants. Data was collected using pre-tested and structured self- administered questionnaire. The data was entered in to Epi-data version 3.1 and analyzed using SPSS version 24. In addition, of descriptive statistics for describing data and multivariate logistic regression analyses was used to identify associated factors.
Results: Three hundred fifty-two students were participated in the study. The prevalence of current smoking among high school students was 11.1% (95% CI: 8.0, 14.5). The odds of smoking in males were higher as compared to females (AOR=2.5; 95% CI: 1.0, 6.2). Having smoking mothers were more likely to smoke compared with their counterparts (AOR=3.6; 95% CI: 16, 8.0); also having smoking fathers were more likely to smoke compared with students who haven’t smoking fathers (AOR = 3.2; 95% CI: 1.4, 7.3). The students having smoking sisters were more likely to smoke compared with their counterparts (AOR = 3.3; 95% CI: 1.5, 7. 6). This study also found that the khat chewing practice was three folds increases the odds of current cigarette smoking among parents. (AOR = 3.0; 95% CI:; 95% CI: 1.2, 4). Those, who having smoking peer were more likely to smoke compared to those do not have smoking peers. (AOR = 2.6; 95% CI: 1.2, 6.0)
Conclusion and Recommendations: This study found that a prevalence of current smoking practice in Misha district southern Ethiopia is high. In addition, this study revealed that high school students` Current tobacco smoking is significantly associated with male sex, having smoking parents, having smoking sisters, khat chewing practice and having smoking peers. These factors should be thought for further prevention and control of smoking among high school students. Moreover, families of the students should be strongly prohibited their use of tobacco by strongly legislating law of the countries against tobacco use.
Mohammad Ali Yadegary*, Ali Aghajanloo and Nahid Dehghan Nayeri
The severity of grief is subject to the individual's experience of loss, the age of the deceased, and the condition of death of the loved one. The peace of survivors is possible provided that there is an appropriate understanding of the death circumstance. This issue is completely related to the context and is influenced by the associated culture in societies. Unexpected death without burial and mourning ceremonies due to the prevalence of COVID-19 has affected typical grief process in the family of the deceased. Negative and painful emotions must be resolved by the human psyche, otherwise the condition for unexpressed grief will be provided. The challenges of the pandemic crisis ought to be acknowledged as an inevitable part of human life, and our goals and programs should be practical and tangible to alleviate the psychological pain and burden imposed on the survivors. Pertinacity against inevitable issues such as death and resistance to attain inner peace and happiness in life are not signs of love and affection for the deceased. In addition, the principle of physical distancing should be replaced by social distancing.
AM Bulathwatta
The Character Sarah Camilton in this story is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anyone.The famous nurse theorist, Dr.Sarah Camilton was invited to address the student nurses in Sri Lanka at the celebration of International nurses’ day on 1930.she was a member of the team of nurses sent to the Crimea during the year 1854.She had delivered her speech as a story which included Florence Nightingale’s research and statistical works.
Abiodun Samuel olowolafe*
This study assessed the knowledge and practice of family planning among nursing mothers attending child welfare clinic in Lagos university teaching hospital, Lagos state. The family planning has called for global attraction because of its usefulness and importance in decision making regarding population growth regulation. The objectives of the study is to assess the Knowledge of family planning among nursing mothers, to assess the practice of family planning, to identify factors influencing utilization of modern family planning methods among nursing mothers. The significant of the study is to provide quality nursing care and support on family planning programme to nursing mothers confronted with the challenges. The target population consists of nursing mothers attending child welfare clinic in in Lagos university teaching hospital. Descriptive design of correlation type was adopted for the study and population of the study for three month comprised 600 nursing mothers and 240 nursing mothers was conveniently selected. Knowledge and Practice of Family Planning Among Nursing Mothers Questionnaire (KPFPANMQ) was used to collect data and same were analyzed descriptively and deferentially. The results showed that 60% of Nursing Mothers have good Knowledge of family planning, 53% of Nursing Mothers have not practice family planning. About 52% of respondent stated that myths, negative perceptions, false beliefs, weight gain, changes in the mood were factors influencing women from using modern family planning in their community. The study further indicated that sex education will lead to more sexual behavior. The hypothesis stated that there is no significant different between the educational backgrounds and knowledge of family planning in the study area was rejected (T-Cal= 136.98, df = 239 & p<0.5). The study concluded that the nursing mother have low practice of family planning despite the availability and accessibility of family planning method. It was recommended that Nurses should facilitate effective improvements on uses and practices of family planning among women during antenatal care.
Filmona Mekuria* , Alemayehu Bekele, and Tinebeb Seyoum
Background: Neonatal mortality constitutes a major public health problem. Ethiopia has made a great progress on
institutionalization of deliveries where deliveries are mainly facilitated by midwives and nurses by providing essential newborn care. Hence,
assessing the knowledge of these professionals is a primary concern. Therefore, this study is intended to identify knowledge gap on
essential newborn care.
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge of essential newborn care and associated factors.
Methods: Facility based cross-sectional study was conducted. All nurses and midwives who provide delivery and neonatal care were
involved in the study. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to participants to collect data and facilitated by data collectors. Data
was entered to statistical package for social sciences version 21 and analyzed. Finally, the results were illustrated in the form of text, tables and
Results: The mean knowledge score of study participants was 12.66. The study revealed that 55% of the respondents had good knowledge
of essential newborn care. Field of study was found to have significant association with the knowledge of essential newborn care.
Conclusion and recommendation: The study population had poor knowledge on some aspects of essential newborn care. Field of study was
found to be independent predictor of knowledge. Therefore, strengthening and incorporation of all components of essential newborn care in
the curriculum was recommended.
Children are the potential sources of nation. They are the citizen of tomorrow and hence the child health care are rightly called custodian’s tomorrow.
The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge and the practice of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents and to improve the knowledge and practice through information booklet.
The review of literature enabled the investigation to develop the conceptual frame work, methodology for the study and plan for analysis of data in an effective and efficient way. The conceptual frame work adopted for this study was based on health belief model, which focuses on providing knowledge and thread about the consequences of home accidents among mothers of under five children.
The research approach adopted for this study was descriptive approach and the design used in this study was a descriptive design. The tools used for this study was semi structured knowledge questionnaire and observation checklist and sample was interviewed by using semi structured knowledge questionnaire. Milaganoor was selected for this study. Convenient sampling method was used for sample selection. A sample size was 60 mothers of under five children were taken for the study according to the inclusion criteria.
Among the mothers of under five children 17 (28.3%) had adequate knowledge, 19 (31.7%) had moderately adequate knowledge and 24 (40%) had inadequate knowledge.
Among the mothers 17 (28.3%) had good practice, 14 (23.3%) had average practice and 29 (48.4%) had poor practice.
The computed R-value is +0.2428. The positive correlation was found between knowledge and practice. Mothers who had adequate knowledge they followed good practices. Overall, when the knowledge is adequate, the practice is also good.
There is a significant association exist between the knowledge and the educational status of the mother and type of housing. There is significant association exist between the practice and the educational status of the mother, family income and type of housing.
Emmanuel Ejembi Anyebe*, Murtala HH, Igbinlade SA, Ejidokun A, Umar JN and Leslie T
Providing quality mental health care in the community level requires collaboration between the community and health workers including nurses. This study explored the community-primary health care system link in forty-seven health centres and their host communities in three purposively selected states in Northern Nigeria. A mixed-research method was employed to obtain data from 191 PHC workers, and 18 community members including Traditional Medicine Men (TrMM). Data were collected through a questionnaire and in-depth interviews. Quantitative analyses was done descriptively using SPSS Version 20 while the qualitative analysis was carried out thematically. These were synergised to meet research objectives. Findings show that 55.0% of the workers said there is no collaboration with the community, while another 42.0% claimed that communities are involved. Nurses and midwives constitutes 23.5% (n=45) of the PHC workforce. Further survey findings indicated 53 (33.0%) of respondents reported collaboration between the traditional and the modern health practitioners; 84 (44.0%) reported absence of it; others (n=44; 23.0%) were uncertain. Qualitative data supported these divergent views. Community leaders in two of the three states revealed community collaboration; some community leaders were even made chairmen of PHC committees in their respective domains. However, responses from the TrMM were mixed. While some TrMM said they invited modern medical practitioners (like nurses in Gombe State) to treat the physical conditions of their mental patients, some others even established an occupational therapy collaboration with specialist neuro-psychiatric hospitals (like in Kaduna State). Yet others vehemently refused even visits from modern mental health workers to their centres (in Kaduna State) for various reasons. These findings present PHC workers including nurses/midwives) with diverse challenges of collaborating with the community’s traditional medical system, which need to be overcome to achieve effective community mental health care. The need for continual enlightenment and advocacy on collaboration to attain this is paramount. Health care professionals should continue to brainstorm on the appropriate models to adopt for a more robust collaboration to make the scarce community mental health services available to communities.
DOI: 10.37421/2736-6189.2023.12.586
The increased need for more smoking cessation education at a local hospital in Oklahoma has been expressed by many of the staff. The nursing staff feels both unprepared and poorly educated on the appropriate interventions and education that leads to smoking cessation in their patients according to a recent online suggestion. Smoking cessation to patients can be crucial to recovery and long term goals and outcomes for patients and their success. Education that leads to smoking cessation, reduces mortality rates for the surgical patients more than any other treatment or method used.
Katayoun Jalali*, Leila Bazrafcan, Samaneh Sabaghian and Mohammad-Reza Dehghani
DOI: 10.37421/2167-1168.2023.12.587
Introduction: Improvement in the quality of clinical education leads to training professionally competent nurses in different fields, especially intensive care units. This study aims to survey the nursing instructors and students' experiences about the existing challenges and complexities of clinical education in intensive care units.
Methods: This is a qualitative study based on phenomenology approach. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews carried out in educational hospitals of Mashhad nursing school. Nursing academic staff, instructors and students were selected through purposive sampling and enrolled in the study. Sampling continued until data saturation. Interviews, as agreed by the participants, were recorded and then downloaded word by word. Based on Guba and Lincoln's criteria, the researcher tried to increase the reliability of the findings through allocating sufficient time for collecting the data, using two colleagues familiar with the coding of qualitative data and their analysis and referring to the participants to confirm the data.
Findings: 10 nursing academic staff and instructors working in the intensive care unit participated in this study. To clarify various aspects of the subject, we performed two interviews with 6 nursing students and 5 nurses. The analysis of data yielded 1457 codes which were reduced to 612 and categorized into 3 main themes and 8 subcategories or sub-themes. The main themes included destructive factors, educational strategies and education in intensive care units.
Discussion: Education in the intensive care unit is a valuable opportunity for learners. They learn not only the clinical aspects of patient care but also appropriate behavior and relationship of the treatment team in critically ill patient care. Negative experiences indicate the impact of destructive factors on the quality of education in intensive care units. The instructors' awareness about the clinical education methodology competencies seems to be necessary.
Takalani Grace Tshitangano*, Mayibongwe Mkhaliphi Abel Mnkandla and Azwinndini Gladys Mudau
DOI: 10.37421/2167-1168.2023.12.597
Substance use continues to be a public health problem globally as it is associated with health issues, such lung or heart disease, stroke, cancer or mental health conditions. About 15% of South Africans uses substances and worsened during COVID-19 pandemic, with 0.02% being homeless. Substance use among homeless people is associated with sexually transmitted infections and a high level of morbidity and mortality, with the average life expectancy of homeless men living more than ten years on the street being 45-47 years old. Good health seeking behaviour is an important element of prevention, early diagnosis, and management of disease conditions, reducing cost, disability and death. This scoping review aimed to assess the healthcare seeking behaviors of homeless substance users during COVID-19 lockdowns. This review was conducted following PRISMA guidelines, where electronic databases such as consulting newspaper articles, credited website published reports and journals under Google Scholar. A total of 47 articles published in English between 2017 and 2022 were consulted, only using 27 for results synthesis. Results indicate difficult to access healthcare and only admission in hospitals as emergency cases. Factors associated with health seeking behaviors include lack of identification documents and address and stigma. Since many of studies addressing this topic were conducted in Europe and India, there is a need to explore healthcare seeking behaviors of homeless substance users during the COVID-19 lockdowns, in South Africa to inform strategies to improve healthcare utilization.
James Malce Alo* and Neama Mohamed Fouad Kamel
DOI: 10.37421/2167-1168.2023.12.607
The purpose of this action research study will be to identify the impact of face-to- face learning to nursing students. The learning methodology is where the teacher and the student meet in a set place for a set time, for either one-on-one learning or, most commonly, in group class lessons like what happens in school.
Face-to-face learning is essentially a teacher-centered method of education and tends to vary widely among cultures. Many modern education systems have largely shifted away from traditional face-to-face forms of educational instruction, in favor of individual students’ needs.
This instructional method is where course content and learning material are taught in person to a group of students. This allows for live interaction between a learner and an instructor. It is the most traditional type of learning instruction. Learner’s benefit from a greater level of interaction with their fellow students as well. In face-to-face learning, students are held accountable for their progress at the class’s specific meeting date and time. Face-to-face learning ensures a better understanding and recollection of lesson content and gives class members a chance to bond with one another.
In the classroom discussion, the teachers should have the ability to motivate and behaviorally engage in an effective learning process to students. To engage learners are more likely to enjoy learning, thus stay committed to completing student courses. They are also more likely to engage with their learnings and spread their novel acquired knowledge through peer-to-peer interaction.
Therefore, the nursing students (PIEF) Participation, Interest, Excitement, Interaction and Focus on learning engagement were hugely impacted the face-to-face instruction methodology they have had experienced in teaching plays a vital role in fortifying the students’ faculties in their education. The more they were engaged in learning activities when they can see their teacher personally in the classroom and laboratory settings, the more they will understand very well the theory, concept and application of their choice profession.
DOI: 10.37421/2167-1168.2023.12.606
Shewikar Faruag*, Abdul Nasser Ameer and Mahmoud Ali Moussa
DOI: 10.37421/2167-1168.2023.12.616
Objectives: The study aimed to investigate the global structure of depression, anxiety and stress scale. Previous studies have shown that there is a conflict in determining the most accurate construction. The study verified seven models like first and second order of general factor model, Confirmatory 3 factor model, two factor and Bifactor model.
Methodology: 434 students from Suez Canal University, College of Education participated in this study. The sample was chosen by the snowball method. The abbreviated version was translated into Arabic with the help of English language curriculum specialists. The scale consisted of 21 items distributed on three factors: anxiety, stress and depression. The five-point Likert scale was chosen to respond to items. IBM SPSS V26 and M Plus V8 used to perform the data analysis.
Results: The results reached the perfection of the exploratory three factors than the Bifactor model. The overall stability of the scale by the alpha coefficient reached 0.949, while the alpha coefficient ranged from 0.854 to 0.884 for the three dimensions. The study showed high rates of stress, while levels of depression and anxiety were moderate among participants. The study limitations were that the high sample size in females than males, which doubts the generalization of depression dimension results in new samples.
Voan Lwe*
DOI: 10.37421/2167-1168.2024.13.662
Ahmad Sahely*, Maisie Saul and Sheeba Rosewilliam
DOI: 10.37421/2167-1168.2025.14.686
Aim: To explore whether self- efficacy influence’s goal attainment in people with stroke in a self- management study.
Hypothesis 1: There is no significant correlation between self- efficacy and goal attainment in people with stroke in the control group.
Hypothesis 2: There is no significant correlation between self- efficacy and goal attainment in people with stroke in the intervention group.
Background: Incidence of stroke is steadily rising due to our aging population. Self- management has become of increasing importance in stroke over recent years to relive pressure off struggling services the COVID- 19 pandemic exacerbated this issue.
Participants: This study was completed on 19 stroke survivors, 7 females and 12 males, the mean age was 67.7 ± 15.2 with ages ranging from 36-87 (51 years).
Procedure: The control group received standard NHS care only post stroke, whereas the intervention group received a self- management programme on top of their NHS care. Completed data collection of Stroke Self Efficacy Questionnaire (SSEQ), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) at the 0 and 3-month mark and Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) at the 3-month mark.
Key results: Significant positive correlation found between GAS and SSEQ in the control group. No significant correlation found between GAS and SSEQ in the intervention group.
Conclusion: Self- efficacy does have a positive influence on goal attainment in people with stroke during their rehabilitation. However, more research is required, with higher numbers of participants to confirm this theory and ensure it is representative of the entire population.
Journal of Nursing & Care received 4230 citations as per Google Scholar report