The exchange of 1 currency for an additional, or the conversion of 1 currency into another currency. The market during which participants square measure able to obtain, sell, exchange and speculate on currencies. System of commercialism in and changing the currency of 1 country into that of another. interchange conjointly refers to the world market wherever currencies square measure listed nearly day-and-night. interchange markets square measure created from banks, business corporations, central banks, investment management corporations, hedge funds, and retail forex brokers and investors. Most journals square measure extremely specialised, though a number of the oldest journals publish articles, reviews, editorials, short communications, letters, and scientific papers across a good vary of scientific fields. Journals contain articles that peer reviewed, in a trial to confirm that articles meet the journal's standards of quality, and scientific validity. every such journal article becomes a part of the permanent scientific record. the controversy concerning the usage of domestic currency versus dollarizing AN economy continues to be strong in several developing countries. Dollarizing AN economy ordinarily entails dollarizing bank deposits and loans, transacting in greenbacks and tagging costs of products and services in dollar. In African nation, business banks have the facility to open foreign currency deposit accounts for any account holder, giving them the liberty to carry foreign currency and pay in foreign currency. because of the strength of foreign currencies over the domestic shilling, investors choose to hold bank accounts in foreign currencies ideally USD. This paper’s main focus is dollarization and currency devaluation; of that square measure however unresolved each in theory and by trial and error. victimization monthly nominal charge per unit knowledge for the study amount 2000–2014, the author introduced GARCH models to look at the connection between dollarization and charge per unit. The Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity models indicate that dollarization will so induce currency depreciation in addition as charge per unit volatility. supported the findings and conclusions from alternative literature, this paper conjointly proposes measures on however the country will stop or offset the negative impacts of dollarization.
6650 Foreign Exchange Open Access Journals
Research Article: Accounting & Marketing
Research Article: Accounting & Marketing
Research Article: Accounting & Marketing
Research Article: Accounting & Marketing
Research Article: Accounting & Marketing
Research Article: Accounting & Marketing
Research Article: Accounting & Marketing
Research Article: Accounting & Marketing
Opinion Article: Accounting & Marketing
Opinion Article: Accounting & Marketing
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Accounting & Marketing
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Accounting & Marketing
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Accounting & Marketing
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Accounting & Marketing
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Accounting & Marketing
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Accounting & Marketing
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Accounting & Marketing
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Accounting & Marketing
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Business and Economics Journal
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Business and Economics Journal
Accounting & Marketing received 487 citations as per Google Scholar report