Angioeiomyomas Research Articles | Open Access Journals

Journal of Clinical Research

ISSN: 2795-6172

Open Access

Angioeiomyomas Research Articles

An angioleiomyoma is a generous delicate tissue tumor that emerges from smooth muscle layer of veins. The genuine etiology of these masses is to a great extent obscure and regularly may not be related with torment. This paper represents the event of an angioleiomyoma in the average curve of the foot, a formerly unreported area. Noteworthy deferral happened in the patient being alluded for pro interview, in the wake of going to various general experts for the board. This featured the requirement for progressing distribution for case reports of this nature. The patient experienced extraction with no repeat of the injury detailed at a year. Regularly masses of this sort might be disregarded. In any case, when indicative straightforward extraction will get the job done where no other encompassing confusion exists and where the mass is all around epitomized in the sub cutaneous territory.

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