Angioeiomyomas Scholarly Journal | Open Access Journals

Journal of Clinical Research

ISSN: 2795-6172

Open Access

Angioeiomyomas Scholarly Journal

Delicate tissue angioleiomyoma, likewise called vascular leiomyoma or angiomyoma, is an uncommon considerate smooth muscle tumor that starts from blood vessel smooth muscle cells or the venous tunica media.1,2 It represents 5% of every generous neoplasm of delicate tissues and generally presents as an agonizing (60%) single slow‐growing knob on a furthest point, especially the lower leg (half 70%).3 The histogenesis is still discussed. Minor trauma,4 venous balance, and hormonal changes, particularly estrogen, have been proposed as etiologic highlights. Treatment is basic extraction of the mass, and repeat has never been seen. Be that as it may, angioleiomyomas are seldom analyzed preoperatively in light of their uncommon event and absence of mindfulness by the rewarding clinician and radiologists.

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