Astronomy-Research Articles | Open Access Journals

Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology

ISSN: 2329-6542

Open Access

Astronomy-Research Articles

Astronomical object is also known as celestial object. It includes Solar system, moon, Stars Star clusters, Star constellations etc. The Astronomical Journal publishes original astronomical research, with a stress on significant scientific results derived from observations. The Aim of international Journals on astronomical object is encourages all the academicians, students, scholars, scientists everywhere the globe to get knowledge about this field of astronomy, Physical cosmology, stellar dynamics, physical cosmology, astro particle physics, magneto hydrodynamics and large-scale structure of matter within the universe and origin of cosmic rays. The topic covers a good range of themes associated to the study of Sun, other stars, galaxies, extra solar planets, the interstellar space and therefore the cosmic microwave background and also about the properties of substance, dark energy and black holes, galaxy formation and evolution etc. Scientific Reports in Astronomy inspires candid, original and innovative submissions like research paper, articles, review paper, mini review, rapid communication, case reports & letter image article, videos & graphical presentations and editorials.

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