Biosphere-top-journals | Open Access Journals

Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry

ISSN: 2380-2391

Open Access


The term "biosphere" was used by geologist Eduard Suess in 1875, who explained it as "the place on the surface of the earth where life dwells." Biosphere is the biological component of the earth, which includes the lithosphere, the hydrosphere of the atmosphere, and some other "spheres" such as the cryosphere. It is an inner concept in the fields of ecology and biology. It includes all the living creatures on the surface of the earth, together with the dead organic matter produced by them. The concept of the biosphere is very common in many scientific disciplines, including hydrology, geology, astronomy, geophysics, evolution and biogeography. Biospheres are all closed self-regulating systems, including artificial ones such as BIOS-3 and Biosphere 2, as well as moons and other planets. Biosphere Journal a peer-reviewed , open-access journal publishes original innovative and high-quality papers in the fields of ecology , biology, giving Scientists a broader platform to share their views across the globe. Scientists and readers use this widely read international journal to keep up with recent scientific trends in the ecology sciences.

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